CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Don't Bring Me Down

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Heather Gronow (UK) - February 2020
Don't Bring Me Down - Electric Light Orchestra : (Album: Discovery)
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Section 1 : Side behind, chasse right, cross side sailor ¼ turn
1 2 3&4Step Right to right side, cross Left behind, R to right side,close L tog, R to r side
5 6 7&8Cross L over right, step R to side,sweep L behind making ¼ turn to left step R to side, step fwd onto Left

Section 2 : Walk fwd, shuffle, ¼ pivot to right. Cross shuffle
1 2 3&4Walk forward R L, shuffle fwd R L R
5 6 7&8Step fwd L, pivot ¼ turn to right (keep weight on right) cross shuffle LRL over right foot

Section 3 : 1/4 turn, 1/4 turn (hinge) Cross shuffle, side rock behind side cross
1 2 3&4Step back on R making 1/4 turn to left, step L to left side making 1/4 turn left, cross shuffle RLR over left foot
5 6 7&8Rock L to left side, rec on right, Cross L behind right, step R to right side, Cross L over right

Section 4 : Point R and L and Heel and Kick, L coaster, walk fwd R L
1&2&3&4Point R to right side, bring tog and point L to left side bring L together and R heel fwd back to place and kick Left fwd
5&6 7 8Step back on Left, tog with Right, Step fwd L, walk fwd R L
* Restarts and tag at this point in dance

Section 5 : Cross rock, side rock, cross rock , point, Behind side cross side
1&2&3&4keeping weight on left foot, cross rock R over left recover rock R to right side recover cross rock R over left recover and point R to right side
5 6 7 8Step R behind left, step L to left side, cross R over left, step L to left side

Section 6 : Kick ball change, shuffle fwd, pivot ¼, cross shuffle
1&2kick R foot fwd, step back to place, step L in place changing weight to left foot
3&4 5 6Shuffle fwd RLR, step fwd on L pivot ¼ turn to right (weight on right )
7&8Cross shuffle L R L (over right foot)

*Tag : 4 Counts walking forward RLRL
*Restart during wall 3 after section 4 (facing 12 0'clock)
*Tag and Restart during wall 6 after section 4 (facing 12 o'clock)
*Restart during wall 8 after section 4 (facing 3 o'clock)

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