CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Hope

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Will Craig (USA) - June 2019
I Hope - Gabby Barrett
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Intro:16 Count Intro

Side Nightclub Basic, Walk Step 1/4 Cross, Side Cross Side
1 2&Step R to right side (1) Rock L back and slightly behind R (2) Recover weight to R (&)
3 4&Walk forward L (3) Walk Forward R (4) 1/4 turn left ending with weight to L (&) (9:00)
5 6&Cross R over L (5) Step L to left side (6) Cross R over L (&)
7 8&Step L to left side (7) Rock R back and slightly behind L (8) recover weight to L (&)

Sway Right Left Right Left, Rock Recover Sweep, Behind Side Cross 1/4 1/4
1 2&Step R to right side and sway right (1) Sway to L (2) Sway to R (&)
3 4&Sway L (3) Rock R back (4) Recover weight to L (&)
5 6&Make 1/2 left Putting weight to R sweeping L from front to back(5) Step L behind R (6) Step R to right side (&) (3:00)
7 8&Cross L over R (7) Make 1/4 left stepping R back (8) Make 1/4 turn L stepping L to left side (9:00)

Cross Rock and Cross Rock, 1/4 Night Club Basic, 1/2 Turn Side Cross
1 2&Cross rock R over L (1) Recover weight to L (2) Step R next to L (&)
3 4&Cross rock L over R (3) Recover weight to R (3) Step L next to R (&)
5 6&Make 1/4 turn left Stepping R to right side (5) Rock L back and slightly behind R (6) Recover weight to R (&) (6:00)
7 8&Make 1/2 turn right weight on L rising up on the the L toe bringing R foot around (7)

Step R to right side (8) Cross L over R (&) (12:00) 1/2 Turn Side Cross, Night Club Basic, 3/4 Spiral Turn, 1/2 Chase Turn, Cross Rock, Recover
1 2&Make 1/2 turn left stepping R to right side rising up on the R toe bringing L foot around (1) Step L to left side (2) Cross R over L (&) (6:00)
3 4&Step L to left side (3) Rock R back and slightly behind L (4) Recover weight to L (&)
5 6Make 3/4 spiral turn left weight on R (5) Step L forward (6) (9:00)
7&8&Step R forward (7) Make 1/2 turn left weight to L (&) Cross rock R over left (8) Recover weight to L (3:00)

Restarts: Wall 3 dance till count 16 Restart on the 3 O’ Clock Wall


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