CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Señorita (aka Oooh La La La)

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Julie Carr (UK) & Pat Stott (UK) - June 2019
Señorita - Shawn Mendes & Camila Cabello : (Single)
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**A special thank you to Issy for recommending this track. **

#32 count intro

Cross, rock, chasse 1/4 turn left, 3/4 pivot left, chasse right
1-2.Cross left over right, recover on right
3&4.Left to left, close right to left, turn 1/4 left stepping forward on left
5-6.Step forward on right, 3/4 pivot left transferring weight to left
7&8.Right to right, close left to right, right to right

Cross, turn 1/4 left, rock back, recover, full turn right, lock step forward
1-2.Cross left over right, turn 1/4 left stepping back on right
3-4.Rock back on left (prep for turn), recover on right
5-6.Turn 1/2 right stepping back on left, turn 1/2 right stepping forward on right
7&8.Forward on left, lock right behind left, forward on left

Step diagonally forward on right, bump hips, repeat with left
1-2.Step slightly diagonally forward to right on right and push hips forward then back
3&4.Small shuffle in place as you bump Hips- right, left, right
5-6.Step slightly diagonally forward to left on left and push hips forward then back
7&8.Small shuffle in place as you bump your hips- left, right, left

Rock, recover, triple 3/4 right, cross, side, behind, side, cross
1-2.Rock forward on right, recover on left
3&4.Turning 3/4 right - triple step right, left, right
5-6.Cross left over right, right to right
7&8.Left behind right, right to right, cross left over right
** (Restart and step change during wall 2)

Side, recover, cross shuffle, 1/4 right stepping back, 1/4 right stepping to side, samba step
1-2.Rock right to right, recover on left
3&4.Cross right over left, small step to left, cross right over left
5-6.Turn 1/4 right stepping back on left, turn 1/4 right stepping side on right
7&8.Cross left over right, rock right to right, recover on left

Samba step, Rock forward, recover, 2 lock steps back
1&2.Cross right over left, Rock left to left, recover on right
3-4.Rock forward on left, recover on right
*** (Step change and restart here during wall 4)
5&6.Back on left, cross right over left, back on left
7&8.Back on right, cross left over right, back on right

Reverse 1/2 turn left, 1/4 pivot left, cross, sweep, cross shuffle
1-2.Point left toe back, reverse turn 1/2 left transferring weight to left
3-4.Forward on right, pivot 1/4 left transferring weight to left
5-6.Cross right over left, sweep left round from back to front
7&8.Left over right, small step to right, left over right

Side, Rock, close, side, Rock, close, forward Rock, coaster step (finishing slightly diagonal)
1,2&.Rock right to right, recover on left, close right to right
3,4&.Rock left to left, recover on right, close left to right
5-6.Rock forward on right, recover on left
7&8.Back on right, close left to right, forward on right slightly diagonally forward to right (in preparation to start the dance again)

** During wall 2 change steps 7-8 of section 4 to:
7-8.Cross left behind right, right to right
Then restart from the beginning (9 o'clock)

*** During wall 4 change steps 5-8 of section 6 to:
5-6.Stomp left, stomp right (feet apart with weight on right)
7-8.Bump hips left, right
Restart from beginning (12 o'clock)

You will be facing the back - change the coaster step to a 1/2 sailor step to face 12 o'clock, step left to left


Urban Fox July 9, 2019
Good intermediate dance that fits to the music well. There is some competition using this sound track but I really hope that this one gets noticed as does well.

jan.g July 9, 2019
Fantastic dance love this.
Good luck with the dance Julie and Pat.

Petalina August 8, 2019
Really like this dance - it's great

Ju Ju August 28, 2019
Thank you all for taking time to comment

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