CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Dave Morgan (UK) & Pat Stott (UK) - May 2019
Standing Out In a Crowd - Trisha Yearwood : (Album: Jasper County)
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Intro: 48 counts (approx. 16 seconds)

Sway right, sway left, rolling vine right, hitch, sway left, drag left towards right
1-3Step right to right (1), sway to right (2,3)
4-6Transfer weight left to left (4), sway to left (5,6)
7-9Turn ¼ right stepping forward on right, ½ turn right stepping back on left, hitch right
10-12¼ right stepping to right (10), sway right (11), drag left to right (weight on right) (12) Facing 12.00

Sway left, sway right, 1 ¼ rolling vine left, 3 runs forward
1-3Step left to left (1), sway to left (2,3)
4-6Transfer weight to right(4), sway to right (5-6)
7-9¼ turn left stepping forward on left, turn ½ left stepping back on right, ½ turn left stepping Forward on left
10-12Run forward – right, left, right Facing 9.00

Step forward, rise up, back, hitch into figure 4, sailor step, back, sweep
1-3Step forward on left (1), rise up onto ball of left and hook the right behind left (2,3)
4-6Back on right (4), hitch left and take it round into a figure 4 (5-6)
7-9left behind right (7), right to right (8), left in place (9)
10-12Back on right (10), sweep left round from front to back (11-12) Facing 9.00

Behind, side, forward to diagonal, step forward, hook behind, hook, step back, hook in front, hold, step forward, hitch and turn ½ right
1-3Step left behind right (1), right to right (2), turn 1/8”and step left to left diagonal (10:30) (3)
4-6Step forward on right to diagonal (4), hook left behind right and hold (5-6)
7-9Back on left (7), hook right in front of left (8), hold (9)
10-12Step forward on right (10), hitch left and turn ½ right (11-12) Facing 4.30

Step forward, sweep, cross, 1/8th right stepping back, 1/8th right stepping forward, step forward, sweep, cross, 1/8th right stepping back on right, 3/8th right stepping forward
1-3Step forward on left (1), sweep right round from back to front (2,3)
4-6Cross right over left (4), turn 1/8th right stepping back on left (5), turn 1/8th right stepping forward on right (6) Facing 7.30
7-9Step forward on left (7), sweep right round from back to front (8,9)
10-12Cross right over left (10), turn 1/8th right stepping back on left (11), turn 3/8th right stepping forward on right to diagonal Facing 1.30

Step, balance, step back, turn ½ left, step forward, step forward, balance, back, turn 1/8th stepping left to left, hitch right next to left
1-3Step left forward to diagonal (1), raise right foot forward (2), hold (3)
4-6Back on right (4), turn ½ left stepping forward on left (5), forward on right (6) Facing 7.30
7-9Forward on left (7), raise right foot forward (8), hold (9)
10-12Back on right (10), turn 1/8th left and step left to left (11), hitch right next to left (12) Facing 6.00

Tag: walls 2 & 4
1-3Step right (1), sway to right (2-3)
4-6Transfer weight to left (4), sway to left (5,6)
7-12Repeat steps 1-6


anniemac May 21, 2019
Fabulous dance.

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