CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Eddie Tang (MY) & Janice Khoo (MY) - April 2019
Hustle - P!nk : (Clean Version)
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Intro: 1x8 - Phrasing A B A B A- B B

Part A (48 counts)
Set 1: R toe strut, cross toe strut, scissors step (repeat to L) End Facing
1&2&Step R to R on toes (1), Put R heel down (&) Step L across R on toes (2) Put L heel down(&) 12:00
3&4Step RF to R (3), step L next to R (&) Cross RF over LF (4) 12:00
5&6&Step L to L on toes (5), Put L heel down (&) Step R across L on toes (6) Put R heel down(&) 12:00
7&8Step LF to L (7), step R next to L (&) Cross LF over RF (8) 12:00
Set 2: Big Step, Behind Side Cross, Hold, Side Rock Cross, Weave , Unwind
1RF big step to R (1), 12:00
2&3Step LF behind RF (2), step RF to R (&), cross LF over RF (3), 12:00
4&5&Rock RF to R (4), Recover (&), Cross RF over LF (5), Step LF to L (&) 12:00
6&Step RF behind LF (6), Step LF to L (&)
7-8Cross RF over LF (7), Unwind ½ turn L (8) 6:00
Set 3: Forward clap x2, Back slap x2, Flick & touch
1&Step RF forward (1), clap your hands (&) 6:00
2&Step LF forward (2), clap your hands (&) 6:00
3&Step RF back (3), slap both thighs (&) 6:00
4&Step LF back (4), slap both thighs (&) 6:00
5&6&7&8Turn 1/8 L while flicking RF up to touch the R palm at below waist level (5), Touch RF in place (&) Repeat 4 times to complete a ½ turn L 12:00
Set 4: Kick, Drag, ½ turn, Kick, Drag, ¼ turn
1-2Kick RF diagonally forward L (1), big step back on RF dragging LF towards R (2) 11:30
3&4LF step back (3), ½ turn R (&), Step LF forward (4) 4:30
5-6Kick RF forward (5) , big step back on RF dragging LF towards R (6) 4:30
7&8LF step back (7), ¼ turn R (&), Step LF forward (8) 7:30
Set 5: Shuffles (with hands styling)
1&2Step RF forward (1), Step LF next to R (&), Step RF forward (2)
Hand styling : Palms facing forward, push upwards 7:30
3&4½ turn L stepping LF forward (3), Step RF next to L (&), Step LF forward (4)
Hand styling: (Make the gun sign with your fingers) Point L finger up at the same time point R finger forward(3), alternate for the next 2 counts 1:30
5&6¼ turn R stepping RF forward (5), Step LF next to R (&), Step RF forward (6)
Hand styling : Palms facing forward, push upwards 4:30
7&8 3/8 turn L stepping LF forward (7), Step RF next to L (&), Step LF forward (8)
Hand styling: (Make the gun sign with your fingers) Point L finger up at the same time point R finger forward (3), alternate for the next 2 counts12:00

Set 6: Knee Pops, Step forward, Pivot turn
1-2Pop R knee, lifting R heel (1) Pop L knee, lifting L heel (2), 12:00
3&4Pop R knee, lifting R heel (3), Pop L knee, lifting L heel (&) Pop R knee, lifting R heel (4) 12:00
5&6&Step R forward (5), snap fingers (&) Pivot half turn L, stepping L forward (6) snap fingers(&) 6:00
7&8&Step R forward (7), snap fingers (&) Pivot half turn L, stepping L forward (8) snap fingers (&) 12:00

Part A-
Dance Set 1 till Set 5
Replace Set 6 with Shake head, Back toe struts, Coaster cross
Step RF next to L, feet together, palms together in front of chest (pray), on lyric ‘ please’
Shake head R L R L on lyric ‘Don’t try to hustle me’ 12:00
1&2&Step L back on toes (1) step L heel down (&) Step R back on toes (2) step R heel down (&) 12:00
3&4Step LF back (3) step RF next to L (&) cross LF over R (4) 12:00

Part B (32 counts)
Set 1: Diagonal kick, Behind side cross (2x), sugar step (2x)
1&2&Kick RF diagonal forward R (1), step RF behind LF (&), step LF to L (2), Cross RF over LF (&) 12:00
3&4&Kick LF diagonal forward L (3), step LF behind RF (&), step RF to R (4), Cross LF over RF (&) 12:00
5&6Touch R toe next to LF (5), touch R heel next to LF (&), step RF forward/cross (6) 12:00
7&8Touch L toe next to RF (7), touch L heel next to RF (&), step LF forward/cross (8) 12:00
Set 2: Charleston, Side touches clap , Mambo ½ turn
1234Point RF forward (1), step back on R (2), point LF back (3), step forward on LF (4) 12:00
5&6&Step RF to R (5) touch LF next to R clap hands (&), Step LF to L (6) touch RF next to L clap hands (&) 12:00
7&8Rock RF forward (7), Recover (&), ½ turn R stepping RF forward (8) 6:00
Option : 7&8 Chasse ½ turn L
Set 3: Diagonal kick, Behind side cross (2x), sugar step (2x)
1&2&Kick LF diagonal forward L (1), step LF behind RF (&), step RF to R (2), Cross LF over RF (&) 6:00
3&4&Kick RF diagonal forward R (3), step RF behind LF (&), step LF to L (4), Cross RF over LF (&) 6:00
5&6Touch L toe next to RF (5), touch L heel next to RF (&), step LF forward/cross (6) 6:00
7&8Touch R toe next to LF (7), touch R heel next to LF (&), step RF forward/cross (8) 6:00
Set 4: Charleston, Side touches clap , Mambo ½ turn
1234Point LF forward (1), step back on L (2), point RF back (3), step forward on RF (4) 6:00
5&6&Step LF to L (5) touch RF next to L clap hands (&), Step RF to R (6) touch LF next to R clap hands (&) 6:00
7&8Rock LF forward (7), Recover (&), ½ turn L stepping LF forward (8) 12:00
Option : 7&8 Chasse ½ turn R
ENDING: Last B dance till 24 counts then dance below to end
Charleston, Chasse ½ turn, Triple full turn
1234Point LF forward (1), step back on L (2), point RF back (3), step forward on RF (4) 6:00
5&6Step LF forward (5), pivot ½ turn R (&) step LF forward (6) 12:00
7&8½ turn L Step RF back (7), ½ turn L stepping LF forward (&), stepping RF forward (8) 12:00
Happy Dancing! Enjoy!

Contact –
Eddie :
Janice :


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