Tag: 1 - Restart: 2
Start: after 16 counts of intro, with vocal
S1: Walk, Chasse, Walk, Step, Tap, Slide, Cross
12&34RF forward(1), LF forward(2), RF lock in(&), LF forward(3), RF forward(4)
5&6LF forward(5), RF tap behind LF(&), hold 6
78&R quarter turn and RF large step R arms swing open(7), hold 8, LF cross behind RF(&) (3:00)
S2: Side, Cross, Behind, Flick, Back, Flick, Back, Hitch
12&3RF R(1), LF rock cross RF(2), recover(&), R quarter turn and LF back(3)
45RF flick out(4), RF back step(5)
678LF flick out(6), LF back step(7), RF hitch(8) (6:00)
S3: Rock, Recover, Turn and Side, Cross, Sweep, Cross, Tap, Body Roll, Ball Change
12&RF rock back(1), recover(2), L quarter turn and RF R(&),
34LF cross behind RF(3), RF sweep back(4)
5&6RF cross behind LF(5),. LF tap L(&), hold 6
78&Body roll left head first(7), weight on LF(8), RF together on ball(&) (3:00)
S4: Rock, Recover, Weave, Rock, Recover, Weave with Turn
123&4LF rock diagonally(1), recover(2), LF cross behind RF(3), RF R(&), LF cross RF(4)
567&8RF rock diagonally(5), recover(6), RF cross behind LF(7), LF L(&). L quarter turn and RF forward(8) (12:00)
S5: Paddle Turn X2, Cross, Out, Out, In, Cross
1234LF forward(1), push left against floor and R quarter turn swivel(2) and LF forward(3) , push left against floor and R quarter turn(4)
56&78LF cross RF(5), RF R on toe(6), LF L on toe(&), RF together(7),. LF cross RF(8) (6:00)
S6: Side, Flick, Cross,Hold, Side, Back Cross, Hold, Side, Cross, Turn & Step
123RF R(1), RF flick out(2), RF cross LF(3)
4&5Hold 4, LF L(&), RF cross behind LF(5)
6&78Hold 6, LF L(&), RF cross LF(7), L quarter turn and LF forward(8) (3:00)
S7: Hangman, Rock, Recover, Turn & Side,
123456RF step before LF and take over the weight while LF scuff backward(1), LF swing back behind RF and take over weight while RF swing forward a little bit(2), repeat the same for (34) and (56)
78&RF rock back(7), recover(8), L quarter turn and RF R(&) (12:00)
S8: Cross, Sweep, Cross, Side, Jazz Box With Turn
1234LF cross behind RF(1), RF sweep backward(2), RF cross behind LF(3), LF L(4)
5678RF cross LF(5), R quarter turn and LF L(6), RF backward(7), LF cross RF(8) (3:00)
Tag(4 ct): (starting with RF before LF) L unwind half turn with heel pump on each count
a. In wall 4, after 32 counts, do tag, and start from top facing 3:00
b. In wall 6, after 32 counts, do tag, and start from top facing 12:00
Enjoy the dance!
Start: after 16 counts of intro, with vocal
S1: Walk, Chasse, Walk, Step, Tap, Slide, Cross
12&34RF forward(1), LF forward(2), RF lock in(&), LF forward(3), RF forward(4)
5&6LF forward(5), RF tap behind LF(&), hold 6
78&R quarter turn and RF large step R arms swing open(7), hold 8, LF cross behind RF(&) (3:00)
S2: Side, Cross, Behind, Flick, Back, Flick, Back, Hitch
12&3RF R(1), LF rock cross RF(2), recover(&), R quarter turn and LF back(3)
45RF flick out(4), RF back step(5)
678LF flick out(6), LF back step(7), RF hitch(8) (6:00)
S3: Rock, Recover, Turn and Side, Cross, Sweep, Cross, Tap, Body Roll, Ball Change
12&RF rock back(1), recover(2), L quarter turn and RF R(&),
34LF cross behind RF(3), RF sweep back(4)
5&6RF cross behind LF(5),. LF tap L(&), hold 6
78&Body roll left head first(7), weight on LF(8), RF together on ball(&) (3:00)
S4: Rock, Recover, Weave, Rock, Recover, Weave with Turn
123&4LF rock diagonally(1), recover(2), LF cross behind RF(3), RF R(&), LF cross RF(4)
567&8RF rock diagonally(5), recover(6), RF cross behind LF(7), LF L(&). L quarter turn and RF forward(8) (12:00)
S5: Paddle Turn X2, Cross, Out, Out, In, Cross
1234LF forward(1), push left against floor and R quarter turn swivel(2) and LF forward(3) , push left against floor and R quarter turn(4)
56&78LF cross RF(5), RF R on toe(6), LF L on toe(&), RF together(7),. LF cross RF(8) (6:00)
S6: Side, Flick, Cross,Hold, Side, Back Cross, Hold, Side, Cross, Turn & Step
123RF R(1), RF flick out(2), RF cross LF(3)
4&5Hold 4, LF L(&), RF cross behind LF(5)
6&78Hold 6, LF L(&), RF cross LF(7), L quarter turn and LF forward(8) (3:00)
S7: Hangman, Rock, Recover, Turn & Side,
123456RF step before LF and take over the weight while LF scuff backward(1), LF swing back behind RF and take over weight while RF swing forward a little bit(2), repeat the same for (34) and (56)
78&RF rock back(7), recover(8), L quarter turn and RF R(&) (12:00)
S8: Cross, Sweep, Cross, Side, Jazz Box With Turn
1234LF cross behind RF(1), RF sweep backward(2), RF cross behind LF(3), LF L(4)
5678RF cross LF(5), R quarter turn and LF L(6), RF backward(7), LF cross RF(8) (3:00)
Tag(4 ct): (starting with RF before LF) L unwind half turn with heel pump on each count
a. In wall 4, after 32 counts, do tag, and start from top facing 3:00
b. In wall 6, after 32 counts, do tag, and start from top facing 12:00
Enjoy the dance!