CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Kiss my A… Goodbye!

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Julie Peacock (AUS) - February 2019
Whole Lotta Quit - Randy Houser
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Intro: 16 cts

Walk, Walk, Out ,Out, In In,
1-2Walk fwd R,L
&3&4Step R ) out to R) side,L) out to L) side,step R) into place and L )tog
Walk, Walk, Out ,Out, In In,
5-6Walk fwd R,L
&7&8Step R ) out to R) side,L) out to L) side,step R) into place and L )tog

Syncopated Rocks, Step Forward, ¼ Turn, Cross Shuffle
1-2&Rock R) out to R) side, recover, step R) next to L)
3-4&Rock L)out to L) side, recover, step L) next to R)
5-6Step forward on R), ¼ turn L)
7&8Cross step R) over L), step L) to L) side, cross step R) over L)

Ball Change ,Step,Cross ,Step cross step ,Jazz box ,1/4 Turn R) & Scuff
&1,2,Ball change starting on L) ft,R foot fwd & crossing over L) ,Step L out to side
3,4Cross R) over in front (bending knees), Step out to L)straightening legs,cross over step
5-8Jazz box with 1/4 turn to the R) scuff L) across R)

Cross Shuffle ,1/4 turn L),Shuffle back,walk ,walk, coaster step
1 & 2Cross shuffle starting with L) ft, turn 1/4 turn to the L)
3&4Shuffle backwards RLR
5-6Walk backwards L),R)
7&8 &L) coaster step

Hip Bumps x 4 (First One To The R) Side),Straighten Up To Face Front 3x Hip Bumps
1-2R) hip bump and straighten body up to face front,Step onto R) (12 o ‘clock),
3,4,5,6,7,8Moving fwd- Step L )hip bump,Step R )hip bump ,L)hip bump

Kick Ball Point, Kick Ball Point, Cross Rock, Triple Turn
1&2Kick R) foot forward, step R) beside L point L) to L side
3&4Kick L) foot forward, step L)beside , point L)to L) side
5-6Cross rock R)over L), recover onto L)
7&8Triple step RLR turning 180 deg to your R)

Kick Ball Point, Kick Ball Point, Cross Rock, Triple Turn
1&2Kick L) foot forward, step L)beside R), point L) to L) side
3&4Kick L) foot forward, step R) beside L), point R) to R) side
5-6Cross rock L)over R), recover onto R)
7&8Triple step LRL turning 180 deg to your L),facing 12 o clock

Walk ,walk ,walk,and hitch ,walk ,walk, walk, and hitch
1-4Walk l diagonal RLR and hitch the L) as you turn 180 deg,(slapping your R) hip at same time,on count 4)
5-8Walk diagonal LRL and hitch the R)as you turn 180 deg ( slapping your L) hip at the same time)
##Step cross unwind ,this only occurs on wall 1 &3
&1,2,3,4Step R) TO R) side and cross L) over R) ,unwind 180 deg to face back wall (6 o clock) repeat dance from the start

For Styling and fun……..yell out “what the hell did we do”whilst throwing both hands in the air towards the end of the third pattern of the dance. It occurs during the 2nd walks and hitches. Only happens once during the dance, as you become familiar with the music, this will become easy to recognize .
** After 7 x patterns of the dance ,you will be facing wall front (wall 1) there is an instrumental part then the lyrics stop with just a few guitar sounds and some talking……..we dance (keeping the pace and the rhythm) to the end .Dance 60 cts, left ball change to front and restart dance.
Apologies for the music quality on video ,will replace when better copy available.However the steps are clearly shown.
Enjoy !!

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