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The Second Time Around

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Judy Rodgers (USA) - March 2019
The Second Time Around - Jack Mosbacher
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#3 count intro (on the word 'music')

S1: & Jump snap, & jump snap, cross, back, side, touch
&1-2Step R fwd, step L fwd, snap fingers
&3-4Step R fwd, step L fwd, snap fingers
5-8Cross R over L, step L back, step R to R side, touch L beside R

S2: Turn 1/4 L, turn 1/4 L, behind, side, cross rock, shuffle side
1-2Turn 1/4 left step L fwd, turn 1/4 left step R to right side 6:00
3-4Step L behind R, step R to right side
5-6Cross rock L over R, recover R
7&8Shuffle L R L to left side
S3: Cross, turn 1/4 R back, coaster step, skate skate skate skate
1-2Cross R over L, turn 1/4 R step L back 9:00
3&4Step R back, step L beside R, step R fwd
5-8Skate fwd L R L R

S4: Rock recover, turn 1/2 L shuffle, v-step
1-2Rock L fwd, recover R
3-4Turn 1/2 left shuffle fwd L R L 3:00
****** Tag here on Walls 3, 6, and 10....see tag info below
5-8Step R fwd R diag, step L fwd L diag, step R back to center, step L back to center

Wall 3 (starts facing 6:00, ends facing 9:00 (tag);
Wall 6 (starts facing 3:00, ends facing 6:00 (tag) -
leave off last 4 counts of dance, add the following 16 count tag...then restart dance from beginning

Wall 10 (starts facing 3:00, ends facing 6:00 (tag - tag)
leave off last 4 counts of dance and add the following 16 count the tag 2 times to end dance

S1: Step pivot 1/2 L, walk walk, cross samba (X2)
1-2Step R fwd, pivot 1/2 left step L fwd
3-4Walk fwd R L
5&6Cross R over L, rock L to left side, recover R
7&8Cross L over R, rock R to right side, recover L
S2: Walk, step pivot 1/2 R, walk, kick & point & point clap clap
1-4Walk R fwd, step L fwd, pivot 1/2 right, walk L fwd
5&6&7Kick R, step R beside L, point L to left, step L beside R, point R to right
&8Clap clap


Happy Feeet March 5, 2019
Can't wait to dance to this soundtrack, thank you for the doable choreography. More dancers can learn it.

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