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Do It Like This Too

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Mitzi Day (USA) - January 2019
Do It Like This - Daphne Willis
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Dance starts after 16 counts after Daphne says, "Here we go come on"
There are two easy to hear Restarts

(1-8) Step R , hitch L, coaster step, step forward right, pivot 1/2,step fwd right pivot 1/2
1-2Step forward on right. Hitch left knee up.
3&4Step left back, step right beside left, step left forward
5-6Step right foot forward, turn over left shoulder to back wall putting weight on left foot.
7-8Step right foot forward, turn over left shoulder back to front wall putting weight on left foot.

(9-16) diagonal step touch kick ball change, diagonal step together heel bounce two times
1-2Step right diagonal forward , touch left toe beside right instep.
3&4Kick left foot, step on ball of left foot, step on right foot.
5-6Step left diagonal forward, step right beside left,
&7&8Raise both heels up and down twice

(17-24) Step R forward right diagonal, step left together , triple right diagonal
1-2Step right foot forward diagonal. step left foot beside it.
3&4Keep traveling diagonal R-L-R ( 1:00)
5-6Turn to face 11:00 while stepping left foot diagonal. Step right foot together
7&8Keep traveling diagonal L-R-L
Note: for styling you may like to roll your arms during cha cha cha. see video

(25-32) Step right forward, pivot 1/2, triple forward, hitch left, big left step back , shoulder shake twice
1-2Step right foot forward, (12:00) turn body over left to face back wall putting weight on left foot (6:00)
3&4Step forward right, step left beside right instep, step right forward (6:00)
5hitch left knee up (6:00)
6Big left step back [6:00]
7&8Bounce right shoulder up and down.

#2 Restarts:
#1st restart is on third phrase, facing (12:00). the music is at 50 seconds. restart at (12:00) after 16 cts. beginning of chorus.
##2nd restart is facing 12:00. restart after 16 cts of sixth phrase. music says "woo yeah" the music is at 1:31
Thanx for checking this out. I hope you enjoy it. Thanx to Yo Massey a beautiful teacher and dancer and Lisa McCammon for all her time and heart she puts into line dance community.


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