CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Right All Right

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High Beginner
Micaela Svensson Erlandsson (SWE) - February 2019
Right All Right - Nathan Carter
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Section 1: Heel. Hook. Forward Shuffle. Heel. Hook. Forward Shuffle.
1-2Touch right heel forward. Hook right foot over left.
3&4Step forward on right. Close left beside right. Step forward on right.
5-6Touch left heel forward. Hook left foot over right.
7&8Step forward on left. Close right beside left. Step forward on left.

Section 2: Step. ½ Turn left. Heel Switches. Walk. Walk. Heel Switches.
1-2Step forward on right. Turn ½ left.
3&Touch right heel forward. Step right in place.
4&Touch left heel forward. Step left in place.
5-6Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left.
***3rd Restart here: Wall 10(Facing 12 O’clock)
7&Touch right heel forward. Step right in place.
8&Touch left heel forward. Step left in place.
*1st Restart here: During Wall 3(Facing 12 o’clock)

Section 3: Rock ¼ turn right. Right Chasse. Modified Weave.
1-2Rock forward on right. Recover onto left turning ¼ right.
3&4Step right to right. Close left beside right. Step right to right.
5-6Cross left over right. Step right to right side.
7&8Step left behind right. Step right to right side. Cross left over right.

Section 4: Right Rock. Cross Shuffle. Side. Hold. & Side. Touch.
1-2Rock right. Recover onto left.
3&4Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right over left.
5-6Step left to left side. Hold. (On wall of 2nd replace hold with touch before restarting)
**2nd Restart here: During wall 6( Facing 3 O’clock)
&7-8Step right beside left .Step left to left side. Touch right beside left.

*1st Restart during wall 3 (facing 12 o’clock) after section 2
**2nd Restart during wall 6 (Facing 3 O’clock) after count 6 of Section 4
***3rd Restart during wall 10 (facing 12 o’clock) after section 2

Note: There are two short pauses in the music, after wall 8 (9 O’clock) & 12 (9 O’clock). Don’t wait!
Just continue the dance in the same speed to be perfect in rhythm.


KathrBoots February 7, 2019
So glad to see another super dance from Michaela! Kath

Micaela February 7, 2019
Thank you very much Kath. I am so happy you like it

Zen1 February 8, 2019
Micaela does it again...another "must" for the teaching list!

Micaela February 8, 2019
Thank you very much Zen11. I am so pleased that you like it.

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