Improver Cha Cha
Intro: 32 counts
Section 1: Side, together, chasse R, cross rock, chasse L
1-2Step RF to R, step ball of LF next to RF
3&4Step RF to R, step LF next to RF, step RF to R
5-6Cross rock LF in front of RF, recover on RF
7&8Step LF to L, step RF next to LF, step LF to L
Section 2: Cross, sweep 1/4 turn R, lock step fwd, rock fwd, recover, back touch, back touch
1-2Cross RF in front of LF, turn 1/4 R(3:00) while sweeping LF
3&4Step LF forward, step ball of RF behind LF, step LF forward
5-6Rock RF forward, recover on LF
&7&8Step RF backwards, touch LF slightly in front of RF, step LF backwards, touch RF slightly in front of LF
Restart here in wall 5
Section 3: Rock backw, recover, lock step fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R, lock step fwd
1-2Rock RF backwards, recover on LF
3&4Step RF forward, step ball of LF behind RF, step RF forward
5-6Step LF forward, turn 1/2 R(9:00), recover on RF
7&8Step LF forward, step ball of RF behind LF, step LF forward
Section 4: Rocking chair, sway hips R-L-R-L
1-2Rock RF forward, recover on LF
3-4Rock RF backwards, recover on LF
5-6Step RF to R, sway hip R, sway hip L
7-8Sway hip R, sway hip L and touch RF next to LF
Restart in wall 5 after 16 counts, facing 3:00
Section 1: Side, together, chasse R, cross rock, chasse L
1-2Step RF to R, step ball of LF next to RF
3&4Step RF to R, step LF next to RF, step RF to R
5-6Cross rock LF in front of RF, recover on RF
7&8Step LF to L, step RF next to LF, step LF to L
Section 2: Cross, sweep 1/4 turn R, lock step fwd, rock fwd, recover, back touch, back touch
1-2Cross RF in front of LF, turn 1/4 R(3:00) while sweeping LF
3&4Step LF forward, step ball of RF behind LF, step LF forward
5-6Rock RF forward, recover on LF
&7&8Step RF backwards, touch LF slightly in front of RF, step LF backwards, touch RF slightly in front of LF
Restart here in wall 5
Section 3: Rock backw, recover, lock step fwd, pivot 1/2 turn R, lock step fwd
1-2Rock RF backwards, recover on LF
3&4Step RF forward, step ball of LF behind RF, step RF forward
5-6Step LF forward, turn 1/2 R(9:00), recover on RF
7&8Step LF forward, step ball of RF behind LF, step LF forward
Section 4: Rocking chair, sway hips R-L-R-L
1-2Rock RF forward, recover on LF
3-4Rock RF backwards, recover on LF
5-6Step RF to R, sway hip R, sway hip L
7-8Sway hip R, sway hip L and touch RF next to LF
Restart in wall 5 after 16 counts, facing 3:00