Intermediate / Advanced - Rolling 8 Count
Count In: 8 counts from when piano start, dance begins on vocals at approx. 0.24 secs . Approx. 110 bpm
Notes: Restarts and Tags – there are many, I’ve done my best to explain, you may wish to watch the demo video for reference.
RESTARTS: 2nd & 7th wall after 10 counts, 4th wall after 8 counts, 5th wall after 30 counts.
TAGS: During 8th and 10th wall
[1 – 8] R fwd rock, ½ turn R, L fwd full spiral turn R, R fwd, L fwd ½ pivot R sweeping L, weave with point
1 2 aRock forward R (1), recover weight L (2), make ½ turn right stepping forward R (a), 6.00
3 4 aStep forward L as you make a full spiral turn right (3), step forward R (4), step forward L as you pivot ½ turn right (a), 12.00
5 6 a 7Step in place R as you sweep L (5), cross L over R (6), step R to right side (a), cross L behind R (7) 12.00
a 8Step R to right side (a), point L to left side (8)
Restart: During 4th wall restart here facing 12.00 - transfer weight to L on (a) then Restart. 12.00
[9 – 16] L Side, Cross R full spiral L, L shuffle1/4 turn L with R sweep, 1/8 L turn cross rock R, recover L with R sweep, R behind, L side, R touch, R side, L touch
a 1 2Step L to left side (a), cross R over L as you make a full turn spiral turn left (1), step L to left side (2)
Restart: During 2nd wall and 7th wall restart here facing 6.00. 12.00
a 3Step R next to L (a), make ¼ turn left stepping forward L as you sweep R (3) 9.00
4 5Make 1/8 turn left as you cross rock R over L (style by lifting left leg up behind slightly) (4), recover weight L as you sweep R (5) 7.30
6 a 7 a 8Cross R behind L (6), step L to left side (a), touch R next to L (7), step R to right side (a), touch L next to R (8) 7.30
[17 – 24] ¼ turn L fwd L, R fwd hitching L, L back, R close, L fwd hitching R with ¼ turn L, weave L, R back rock
a 1 2 aMake ¼ turn left stepping forward L (a), step forward R as you hitch L knee (1), step back L (2), step R next to L (a) 4.30
3 4Step forward L as you hitch R knee making a ¼ turn left (3), cross R over L (4) 1.30
a 5 a 6 aStep L to left side (a), cross R behind L (5), step L to left side (a), cross R over L (6), step L to left side (a) TAG : 8th wall 1.30
7 8Rock back R (7), recover weight L (8) 1.30
[25 – 32] 1/8 turn L, syncopated back rocks to diagonals, syncopated ½ pivot turns x3, R forward
a 1 2Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side (a), make 1/8 turn left rocking back L (1), recover weight R (2) 10.30
a 3 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping L to left side (a), make 1/8 turn right rocking back R (3), recover weight L (4) 1.30
a 5 a 6Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R (a), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (5), step forward R (a), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (6) 12:00
Restart: During 5th wall restart here facing 12.00
a 7 8Step forward R (a), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (7), step forward R (8) 6.00
[33 – 34] Out-out L-R, L in, R fwd, L close
a 1Step L to left side (balls of feet) (a), step R to right side (balls of feet) (1) 6.00
a 2 aStep L in place toward R (a), step forward R (2), step L next to R (a) 6.00
TAG : 8th wall - During 8th wall (you will be facing 6.00 or 7.30): Dance up to count 6a of section 17-24 then instead of rock back on R on count 7 ‘lock or step’ R behind L (7), make ½ turn right stepping L to left side as you take both arms up high to the sky dragging R towards L (count 8,1,2,3,4). Then Restart facing 12.00
TAG : 10thwall - During 10th wall (you will be facing 10.30): Dance up to count 1 2 a of section 17-24 then step forward L taking L arm to left side (3 ‘any’), step forward R taking R arm to right side (4 ‘body), step forward L bringing L arm to chest (5 ‘find’), hitch R knee making 1/8 turn left as you bring R arm to chest (6 ‘me), step R to right side looking to 10.30 as you push R arm to right side (7), push L arm to left side (&), make 3/8 turn left stepping L as you sweep R continuing the turn to face the front (8,1,2). Rock R to right side as you push R arm to right side (3), recover weight L as you push L arm to left side (&), take R arm forward and across to next to L (a), step R to right side hitching L leg in passé (figure 4) as you circle arm counter clockwise (down to up with L arm out to left side) (4,5), cross L over R (5), unwind full turn right transferring weight R (6, 7), step L to left side (8)
Circle hips counter clockwise (1,2,3), drag R towards L as you take R hand up body towards R ear then up and forward as you look to the sky (4, 5, 6)…. THEN RESTART - - Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933
Notes: Restarts and Tags – there are many, I’ve done my best to explain, you may wish to watch the demo video for reference.
RESTARTS: 2nd & 7th wall after 10 counts, 4th wall after 8 counts, 5th wall after 30 counts.
TAGS: During 8th and 10th wall
[1 – 8] R fwd rock, ½ turn R, L fwd full spiral turn R, R fwd, L fwd ½ pivot R sweeping L, weave with point
1 2 aRock forward R (1), recover weight L (2), make ½ turn right stepping forward R (a), 6.00
3 4 aStep forward L as you make a full spiral turn right (3), step forward R (4), step forward L as you pivot ½ turn right (a), 12.00
5 6 a 7Step in place R as you sweep L (5), cross L over R (6), step R to right side (a), cross L behind R (7) 12.00
a 8Step R to right side (a), point L to left side (8)
Restart: During 4th wall restart here facing 12.00 - transfer weight to L on (a) then Restart. 12.00
[9 – 16] L Side, Cross R full spiral L, L shuffle1/4 turn L with R sweep, 1/8 L turn cross rock R, recover L with R sweep, R behind, L side, R touch, R side, L touch
a 1 2Step L to left side (a), cross R over L as you make a full turn spiral turn left (1), step L to left side (2)
Restart: During 2nd wall and 7th wall restart here facing 6.00. 12.00
a 3Step R next to L (a), make ¼ turn left stepping forward L as you sweep R (3) 9.00
4 5Make 1/8 turn left as you cross rock R over L (style by lifting left leg up behind slightly) (4), recover weight L as you sweep R (5) 7.30
6 a 7 a 8Cross R behind L (6), step L to left side (a), touch R next to L (7), step R to right side (a), touch L next to R (8) 7.30
[17 – 24] ¼ turn L fwd L, R fwd hitching L, L back, R close, L fwd hitching R with ¼ turn L, weave L, R back rock
a 1 2 aMake ¼ turn left stepping forward L (a), step forward R as you hitch L knee (1), step back L (2), step R next to L (a) 4.30
3 4Step forward L as you hitch R knee making a ¼ turn left (3), cross R over L (4) 1.30
a 5 a 6 aStep L to left side (a), cross R behind L (5), step L to left side (a), cross R over L (6), step L to left side (a) TAG : 8th wall 1.30
7 8Rock back R (7), recover weight L (8) 1.30
[25 – 32] 1/8 turn L, syncopated back rocks to diagonals, syncopated ½ pivot turns x3, R forward
a 1 2Make 1/8 turn left stepping R to right side (a), make 1/8 turn left rocking back L (1), recover weight R (2) 10.30
a 3 4Make 1/8 turn right stepping L to left side (a), make 1/8 turn right rocking back R (3), recover weight L (4) 1.30
a 5 a 6Make 1/8 turn left stepping forward R (a), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (5), step forward R (a), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (6) 12:00
Restart: During 5th wall restart here facing 12.00
a 7 8Step forward R (a), make ½ turn left stepping forward L (7), step forward R (8) 6.00
[33 – 34] Out-out L-R, L in, R fwd, L close
a 1Step L to left side (balls of feet) (a), step R to right side (balls of feet) (1) 6.00
a 2 aStep L in place toward R (a), step forward R (2), step L next to R (a) 6.00
TAG : 8th wall - During 8th wall (you will be facing 6.00 or 7.30): Dance up to count 6a of section 17-24 then instead of rock back on R on count 7 ‘lock or step’ R behind L (7), make ½ turn right stepping L to left side as you take both arms up high to the sky dragging R towards L (count 8,1,2,3,4). Then Restart facing 12.00
TAG : 10thwall - During 10th wall (you will be facing 10.30): Dance up to count 1 2 a of section 17-24 then step forward L taking L arm to left side (3 ‘any’), step forward R taking R arm to right side (4 ‘body), step forward L bringing L arm to chest (5 ‘find’), hitch R knee making 1/8 turn left as you bring R arm to chest (6 ‘me), step R to right side looking to 10.30 as you push R arm to right side (7), push L arm to left side (&), make 3/8 turn left stepping L as you sweep R continuing the turn to face the front (8,1,2). Rock R to right side as you push R arm to right side (3), recover weight L as you push L arm to left side (&), take R arm forward and across to next to L (a), step R to right side hitching L leg in passé (figure 4) as you circle arm counter clockwise (down to up with L arm out to left side) (4,5), cross L over R (5), unwind full turn right transferring weight R (6, 7), step L to left side (8)
Circle hips counter clockwise (1,2,3), drag R towards L as you take R hand up body towards R ear then up and forward as you look to the sky (4, 5, 6)…. THEN RESTART - - Tel: +1 407-538-1533 - +44 7968181933