CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158915
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BobFree Jubilee

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Francien Sittrop (NL) - December 2018
So Blue Without You - Kevin Mark : (Album: Rolling the dice)
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Intro: Start after 48 counts when he starts to sing

[1 – 8] Chasse R, Rock, Recover, Rocking Chair
1 & 2Step R to R side, Step L next to R, Step R to R side
3 – 4Rock L back, Recover on R
5 – 8Rock L diagonalle fwd, Recover on R, Rock L diagonally back, Recover on R

[9-16] Chasse L, Rock Recover , Recover, Rocking Chair
1 & 2Step L to L side, Step R next to L, Step L to L side
3 – 4Rock back on R, Recover on L
5 - 8Rock R diagonalle R fwd, Recover on L, Rock R diagonally back, Recover on L

[17-24] Skates fwd, Bounce x4
1 – 2Skate R fwd, Bounce R heel down
3 – 4Skate L fwd, Bounce L heel down
5 – 6Skate R fwd, Bounce R heel down
7 – 8Skate L fwd, Bounce L heel down

[25-32] Jumps Back and Touch x 5, Step
&1-2Small Jump diagonally R back on R, Touch L next to R, Clap
&3-4Small Jumo diagonally L back on L, Touch R next to L, Clap
&5&6Small Jump back on R and touch L next to R (&5), small Jump L and Touch R next to L (&6)
&7-8Small Jump back on R, Touch L next to R, Step L down

[33-40] Jazz Box ¼ Turn R , Vine R
1 – 4Step R across L, ¼ Turn R step L back, Step R to R side, Step L across R
5 – 8Step R to R side , Step L behind R, Step R to R side, Step L across R

[41-48] Point, Hold and Point Hold, Step Side with Hip bumps
1 – 2Point R to R side, Hold
&3-4Step R next to L, Point L to L side , Hold
&5-8Step L next to R, Step R to R side and bump hips R, L, R , L

Dedicated to my 2 Uncles 65th and 80th Birthdays


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