CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Good Time

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Yuki Ohashi (JP) - December 2018
Good Time - Charlie Wilson : (Single)
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Intro: 32 counts on Vocal

Walk R, L, 1/4 turn L, Rock and Cross, 1/4 turn R, 1/4 turn R, Cross and Cross
1- 2Walk RF forward , Walk LF forward
3&4Make a 1/4 turn L and Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LF, Cross RF over LF(9:00)
5- 6Make a 1/4 turn R and Step LF back (12:00), Make a 1/4 turn R and Step RF to R side(3:00)
7&8Cross LF over RF, Step RF to R side, Cross LF over RF.

Side Rock, Recover 1/4 trun L, Shuffle forward, Out, Out, In In (V-Step)
1- 2Rock RF to R side, Recover onto LR with 1/4 turn L(12:00)
3&4Step RF forward, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward
5- 6Step LF to diagonal L, Step RF to diagonal R
7- 8Step LF back to center, Step RF back to center

Ball Step forward, Pivot 1/2 Turn L, Shuffle forward, Jazz box 1/4 turn L with Touch
&1-2Close LF next to RF, Step RF forward, Pivot 1/2 turn L(6:00),
3&4Step RF forward, Step LF next to RF, Step RF forward,
5-6-7-8Step LF over RF, make a 1/4 turn L and Step RF back , Step LF to L side, Touch RF next to L (3:00) .

Kick and Point, Kick and Point, 1/2 turn R Step together, Touch, Twist Left with L Slide
1&2Kick RF forward, Step RF next to LF, Point LF to L side
3&4Kick LF forward, Step LF next to RF, Point RF to R side
5- 6Make a 1//2 turn R and Step RF next to LF, Touch LF next to RF (9:00)
7- 8Twist LF heel to L side with slide LF Ball to L side and RF heel to L , LF recover back to center.(weight is on RF)

Start again, Enjoy the dance!!

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