CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Easy Intermediate
Harry Samana (INA) - November 2018
Start dance after Intro 32 count

#Season 1.
1; step LF to side L
2&3; step RF back - close LF beside LF - turn R ¼ cross RF over LF
4; turn L ¼ step LF forward
5&6; step Rf forward , lock LF behind RF, step RF forward
7- 8; rock LF forward, recover RF

#Season 2.
1&2; turn L ½ step Lf forward , lock RF behind LF, step LF forward
3&4; turn L ½ step RF back, cross LF over RF , step RF back
5&6; turn L ¼ hips bump L-R-L
7&8; hips bump R-L- turn R ¼ RF forward

#Season 3.
1-2&; step LF to side L, cross RF behind LF, step LF to side
3-4&; turn L ½ step RF to side R, cross LF behind RF, step RF to side R
5-6; turn R ½ step LF to side L , recover RF
7&8; cross LF behind RF, step RF to side, cross LF over RF
#Season 4.
1-2; rock RF forward, recover LF
3&4; step RF back, close LF beside RF, step RF forward
5-6; rock LF forward, recover RF
7-8; turn L ¼ step LF forward, cross RF over LF

Thank you- -- - -- -enjoy your dance



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