CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I Couldn't Live Without Your Love

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Carl Sullivan (AUS) - November 2018
I Couldn't Live Without Your Love - Petula Clark : (Album: Downtown)
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Pattern: Each Sequence Turns ¼ Right
1-2Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L 6:00
3&4Turning ½ L Shuffle (R, L, R) 12:00
5-6Rock L back, Replace on R
7&8Kick L fwd, Step down on L, Point R to R side (Kick, ball-point)

1&2Cross Samba (R, L,.R)
3&4Cross Samba (L, R, L)
5-8R Jazz Box Step (R, L, R, L)

1&2Side Shuffle R-L-R to R side
3&4Kick L fwd, Ball Cross L, R (Kick, Ball-cross)
5&6Side Shuffle L-R-L to L side
7&8Kick R fwd, Ball-Cross R, L (Kick, Ball-cross)

1-4Step R to R, Step L behind R, ¼ R Step R fwd, Step L fwd
5-8Pivot ½ turn R onto R, ¼ R Step L to side, Step R behind L, ¼ L Step L fwd 9:00

1-2Rock R fwd, Replace on L
3&4Shuffle back R-L-R
5&6L back Coaster Step (L, R, L)
7&8Shuffle fwd R-L-R…………..Restart on Walls 2 & 4 by substituting a Pivot turn

1&2Rock L to L side, Replace on R, Cross-step L over R
3&4Rock R to R side, Replace on L, Cross-step R over L
5-8Step L to L, Step R behind L, ¼ L Step L fwd, ¼ L Step R to R side 3:00

1-4Rock L back behind R, Replace on R, Rock L to L side, Replace on R
5&6Cross shuffle L-R-L to R side
7-8Step R to R, Step L beside R

1-6Repeat above 6 counts with R foot leading
7-8Step L to L Touch R beside L

Restarts: On Wall 2 & 4 dance only 38 counts then
39-40Step R fwd, Pivot ½ turn L onto L (Pivot ½ turn L)
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