Side behind, cross shuffle, Rock Rt, Behind side cross
1,2,&3&4Step Rt to side, step Lt behind, step Rt to side, cross shuffle with Lt
(On 3rd wall, RESTART HERE)
5,6,7&8Rock Rt, recover to lt, Rt behind, Lt to side, cross Rt over Lt
Lock Step, Shuffle, 1/2 turn, full turn
1,2,3&4Step forward on Lt, slide Rt behind, shuffle forward L,R,L
5,6,7&8Step forward on Rt, 1/2 turn bringing weight to L, full turn in 3 steps
Rock & cross L,R, side together, side together 1/4 turn
1&2 3&4Rock to Lt, recover to Rt and cross Lt over Rt, Rock Rt recover, cross Rt over Lt
5,6 7&8Step Lt, bring Rt together, shuffle Lt with 1/4 turn
1/2 turn, shuffle 1/2 turn walk back L,R,L stomp Rt and Lt
1,2,3&4Step forward with Rt and 1/2 turn, shuffle 1/2 turn (3steps)
5,6,7&8Walk back Lt, Rt, Lt, stomp Rt stomp Lt
Restart after the 4th step on wall 3
1,2,&3&4Step Rt to side, step Lt behind, step Rt to side, cross shuffle with Lt
(On 3rd wall, RESTART HERE)
5,6,7&8Rock Rt, recover to lt, Rt behind, Lt to side, cross Rt over Lt
Lock Step, Shuffle, 1/2 turn, full turn
1,2,3&4Step forward on Lt, slide Rt behind, shuffle forward L,R,L
5,6,7&8Step forward on Rt, 1/2 turn bringing weight to L, full turn in 3 steps
Rock & cross L,R, side together, side together 1/4 turn
1&2 3&4Rock to Lt, recover to Rt and cross Lt over Rt, Rock Rt recover, cross Rt over Lt
5,6 7&8Step Lt, bring Rt together, shuffle Lt with 1/4 turn
1/2 turn, shuffle 1/2 turn walk back L,R,L stomp Rt and Lt
1,2,3&4Step forward with Rt and 1/2 turn, shuffle 1/2 turn (3steps)
5,6,7&8Walk back Lt, Rt, Lt, stomp Rt stomp Lt
Restart after the 4th step on wall 3