CopperKnob Stepsheets

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24 Reasons

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Jill Babinec (USA) & Debi Pancoast (USA) - October 2018
24 Reasons - Kadooh : (Single)
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Intro is 16 counts (approx. 11 secs) to start with vocals
*Restart after 16 counts during 4th rotation

[1 – 8] Skate R, Skate L, Triple R,L,R, Skate L, Skate R, 1/4 Triple L,R,L
1,2Skate step forward R; Skate step forward L
3&4Small skate step forward R; Step together L; Small step forward R (this triple step moves toward 1:00 diagonal)
5,6Skate step forward L; Skate step forward R
7&8Turn 1/4 left stepping forward L [9:00]; Step together R; Small step forward L

[9 – 16]* Rock, Recover, Triple in Place, Walk back L,R, Coaster Step
1,2Rock forward R; Recover back L
3&4Triple in place R,L,R (option: “Anchor”: Step R just behind L heel; Step in place L; Step in place R)
5,6Walk back L; Walk back R
7&8Small step back L; Step together R; Small step forward L*
*Restart here during 4th wall

[17-23] Ball-Side, Step-Step, Side, Step-Step, Side, Together, Side
&1Small step together on ball of R foot; Step side L
2&3Step R next to L; Step in place L; Step side R (note: good hip motion opportunity)
4&5Step L next to R; Step in place R; Step side L (note: good hip motion opportunity)
6,7Step together R; Step side L

[24-32] 1/4 Turning Sailor, Swivel 1/4, Step, Swivel 1/4, Cross Rock, Recover, 3/4 Runaround
8&1Step R behind L; Turn 1/8 right stepping side L; Turn 1/8 right stepping forward R [12:00]
2,3,4Swivel 1/4 left shifting weight to L [9:00]; Step forward on ball of R (most weight back on L); Swivel 1/4 left shifting weight fully to L [6:00] (note: doing these 1/4 turns as swivels gives you some hip motion for style)
5,6Rock R across L; Recover back on L opening upper body to right diagonal slightly
7&8& 3/4 right turning runaround: Turn ¼ right stepping forward R; Continue with 1/8 turn right stepping forward L; Turn 1/4 right stepping forward R; Continue turning additional 1/8 right to square up to 3:00 wall stepping forward L

Begin again with this as your “new” 12:00 starting reference wall.

*Restart: On fourth rotation, you will start the dance facing your original 9:00 reference wall and
will be facing the back wall at count 16 (coaster step) to restart from the top of the dance.

This step sheet may be freely copied intact however modifications to this step sheet may not be made without the
permission of the choreographers.

Contact Jill at or visit
Contact Debi at


nona February 26, 2019
Thank goodness for Tutorials!!!! Section 3 and Section 4 is quite confusing on the step sheet! Nice dance though!

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