High Improver
Intro : 16 counts after “kick the dust up”, dance begins on vocal « All week long it's a farmin' town ».
Sequence: see end of script
[1-8] Toe heel toe heel swivels, touch in out in, step heel switches
1&2&R toe swivel front in R diagonal, L heel swivel in L back diagonal, repeat
3&4&Touch L in next to R, touch L out, touch L in, step L to L side
5-6Rock R crossing back, recover L fwd
7&8&Touch R heel fwd, step L together, touch L heel fwd, step L together
[9-16] ¼ turn L, 2 stomps, sailor step, behind side cross
1-2Step R fwd, ¼ turn L stepping L to L side
3-4Stomp R in place, stomp L in place
5&6Cross R behind L, step L next to R, step R fwd
7&8Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
[17-24] Rocking chair, ¼ turn L hitch, ¼ turn L hitch
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L back
3-4Rock R back, recover L fwd
5-6Step R, ¼ turn L hitching R up
7-8Step R, ¼ turn L hitching R up
[25-32] Rock recover, shuffle, ¾ pivot turn R, step L sweeping R
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover L back
3&4Step R to R side, step L together, step R to R side
5-6Cross L over R turning ½ turn R, ¼ turn R stepping R fwd
7-8¼ turn R stepping L back, sweep R circle front to back to front
[33-40] Step heel swivel fwd&back, step touch R&L twice backwards
1&2Step R fwd, twist both heels to R side, square heels back weight on L
3&4Step R back, twist both heels to L side, square heels back weight on L
5-6Step R back in R diagonal, touch L next to R
7-8Step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
Tag: [1-8] Step touch twice, full paddle turn
1-2Step R back in R diagonal, touch L next to R
3-4Step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
5&6&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
7&8&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
1-4 4 stomps and claps
9-12Stomp R foot in place 4x, clapping
Wall 1: 40 counts
Wall 2: 40 counts
Tag (12 counts) facing 6 o'clock
Wall 3: 40 counts
Wall 4: 40 counts
Tag (8 counts) facing 12 o'clock
Wall 5: 16 counts, restart facing 9 o'clock
Wall 6: 8 counts, restart facing 9 o'clock
Wall 7: 40 counts
Finish with the 8 count tag
Enjoy !
Sequence: see end of script
[1-8] Toe heel toe heel swivels, touch in out in, step heel switches
1&2&R toe swivel front in R diagonal, L heel swivel in L back diagonal, repeat
3&4&Touch L in next to R, touch L out, touch L in, step L to L side
5-6Rock R crossing back, recover L fwd
7&8&Touch R heel fwd, step L together, touch L heel fwd, step L together
[9-16] ¼ turn L, 2 stomps, sailor step, behind side cross
1-2Step R fwd, ¼ turn L stepping L to L side
3-4Stomp R in place, stomp L in place
5&6Cross R behind L, step L next to R, step R fwd
7&8Cross L behind R, step R to R side, cross L over R
[17-24] Rocking chair, ¼ turn L hitch, ¼ turn L hitch
1-2Rock R fwd, recover L back
3-4Rock R back, recover L fwd
5-6Step R, ¼ turn L hitching R up
7-8Step R, ¼ turn L hitching R up
[25-32] Rock recover, shuffle, ¾ pivot turn R, step L sweeping R
1-2Cross rock R over L, recover L back
3&4Step R to R side, step L together, step R to R side
5-6Cross L over R turning ½ turn R, ¼ turn R stepping R fwd
7-8¼ turn R stepping L back, sweep R circle front to back to front
[33-40] Step heel swivel fwd&back, step touch R&L twice backwards
1&2Step R fwd, twist both heels to R side, square heels back weight on L
3&4Step R back, twist both heels to L side, square heels back weight on L
5-6Step R back in R diagonal, touch L next to R
7-8Step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
Tag: [1-8] Step touch twice, full paddle turn
1-2Step R back in R diagonal, touch L next to R
3-4Step L back to L diagonal, touch R next to L
5&6&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
7&8&Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place, Step R, ¼ turn L stepping L in place
1-4 4 stomps and claps
9-12Stomp R foot in place 4x, clapping
Wall 1: 40 counts
Wall 2: 40 counts
Tag (12 counts) facing 6 o'clock
Wall 3: 40 counts
Wall 4: 40 counts
Tag (8 counts) facing 12 o'clock
Wall 5: 16 counts, restart facing 9 o'clock
Wall 6: 8 counts, restart facing 9 o'clock
Wall 7: 40 counts
Finish with the 8 count tag
Enjoy !