CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Clinton Andrews (UK) - October 2018
Fuego - BOND
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[1-8] Rock step , coaster step, step quarter turn cross shuffle.
1-2Rock forward on right foot then back on the left
3&4Step back on right foot ,step back on left foot ,step forward on right foot (12oclock)
5-6Step forward on left foot make a quarter turn right transfer weight to right foot(3oclock)
7&8Cross left foot over right,step left to right side ,step left over right.

[9-16] Point , hold and switch and switch, sailor step, reverse turn
9-12point right toe to right,hold (10) switch and point left toe to left side ,switch and ;point right toe to right side
13&14Rock right foot slightly behind left ,rock weight back onto left,step right to right side.
15-16Touch left foot back and turn half turn left transferring weight on to left foot (9oclock)

[17-24] Mambo forward,mambo back, step quarter turn kick ball step
17&18Rock forward on right foot,rock weight back on left foot,step slightly back on left foot
19&20Rock back on left foot ,rock weight onto right foot, step slightly forward on left foot
21-22Step forward on right foot ,make a quarter turn left transferring weight onto left foot (6oclock)
23&24Kick right foot forward,replace right foot next to left,step forward left.

[25-32] Heel switch turn, step half turn, full turn
25&26&27&28&Dig right heel forward,replace right foot next to left as you make a quarter turn right,dig left heel forward replace left foot next to right. Dig right heel forward ,replace right foot next to left as you make a quarter turn right .dig left heel forward ,replace left foot next to right (&)
29-32Step forward on right foot make a half turn left as you transfer weight to right foot ,step backwards onto right foot as you make a half turn left,step forward onto left foot and you make a half turn left.(12oclock

Tag 1 (short tag) end of wall 3 and 7 both done facing the back
Rock step stomp hold
1-4Rock forward on right foot ,rock weight back on left foot ,stomp right foot down and hold as you transfer weight onto left

Tag 2 (long tag) end of wall 5
Rocking chair ,half turn ,half turn,rock step ,stomp hold ,done facing the back
1-4Rock forward on right foot ,transfer weight back onto left ,rock back on right foot transfer weight back onto left foot.
5-8Step forward on right foot make a half turn left transferring weight onto left foot,step forward on to right foot make a half turn left transferring weight onto left foot.

9-12Rock forward on right foot ,rock weight back on left foot ,stomp right foot down and hold as you transfer weight onto left (short tag)

Restart during wall 9 you will be facing 3 oclock and turn to face the front

Dance wall 9 from the front as usual,after the sailor step change the reverse turn to a touch quarter turn to the front.
So touch the left foot to the left side and turn a quarter turn left (12 oclock) as you transfer the weight onto the left foot ,Restart forward rock on the right

Big finish wall 11

Dance wall 11 (starts at the back) dance the wall fully then walk forward right left right throwing your arms in the air TADAH!!!!




suemw48 October 23, 2018
fun dance

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