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Love You Anymore

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Adam Åstmar (SWE) - October 2018
Love You Anymore - Michael Bublé
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Intro: 28 counts, starting on vocals (approx. 18 seconds).

Sect – 1: Walk Forward R, L. R Anchor Step. 1 / 2. 1 / 2. 1 / 4 Chasse L.
1 – 2(1, 2) Walk forward on RF, LF.
3 & 4(3) Lock RF behind LF. (&) Step down on LF. (4) Step slightly back on RF.
5 – 6(5) Turn 1 / 2 to the left stepping forward on LF. (6) Turn 1 / 2 to the left stepping back on RF. {12:00}
7 & 8(7) Turn 1 / 4 to the left stepping to the side on LF. (&) Close RF next to LF. (8) Step to the left on LF.{9:00}

Sect – 2: R Cross Rock. L Recover. R Side. Hold. L Ball. R Side. L Sailor 1 / 4 Step. R Lock-Step Forward.
1 – 2 &(1) Rock RF over LF. (2) Recover on LF. (&) Step to the right on RF.
3 & 4(3) Hold. (&) Ball step LF next to RF. (4) Step to the right on RF.
5 & 6(5) Step LF behind RF. (&) Turn 1 / 4 to the left stepping slightly to the right on RF. (6) Step forward on LF. {6:00}
7 & 8(7) Step forward on RF. (&) Lock LF behind RF. (8) Step forward on RF.

Sect – 3: L Side Rock-Cross. R Side Rock-Cross. Chasse L 1 / 4 . Shuffle 1 / 2 R.
1 & 2(1) Rock to the left on LF. (&) Recover on RF. (2) Cross LF over RF.
3 & 4(1) Rock to the right on RF. (&) Recover on LF. (2) Cross RF over LF.
5 & 6(5) Step to the left on LF. (&) Close RF next to LF. (6) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping back on LF. {9:00}
7 & 8(7) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping to the side on RF. (&) Close LF next to RF. (8) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping forward on RF. {3:00}

Sect – 4: L Step. 1 / 2 Turn R. L Lock-Step Forward. R Step. 1 / 2 Turn L. Full Turn L.
1 – 2(1) Step forward on LF. (2) Turn 1 / 2 to the right placing weight on RF. {9:00}
3 & 4(7) Step forward on LF. (&) Lock RF behind LF. (8) Step forward on LF.
- Restart here at wall 5 facing 9:00 -
5 – 6(1) Step forward on RF. (2) Turn 1 / 2 to the left placing weight on LF. {3:00}
7 – 8(7) Turn 1 / 2 to the left stepping back on RF. (8) Turn 1 / 2 to the left stepping forward on LF. {3:00}
Option: Instead of doing the full turn you may just walk forward R, L.

Have fun!


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