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O Bella Ciao

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Adam Åstmar (SWE) - October 2018
Bella Ciao (HUGEL Remix) - El Profesor & HUGEL
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Intro: 32 counts from start of track (approx. 15 seconds). You start on the first clear bass beat.
Sequence: A – B – C – D – D – A – Tag – A – B – B – C – C – D – D

A: 28 counts
A – 1: R Side. L Behind. R Ball. L Heel. L Ball. R Cross. 1 / 4. Extended Chasse R /w 1 / 4.
1 – 2 &(1) Step to the right on RF. (2) Step LF slightly behind RF. (&) Close RF next to LF.
3 & 4(3) Put L heel to the left diagonal (&) Close LF next to RF. (4) Cross RF over LF.
5 – 6 &(5) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping back on LF. (6) Step to the right on RF. (&) Close LF next to RF. {3:00}
7 & 8(7) Step to the right on RF. (&) Close LF next to RF. (8) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping forward on RF. {6:00}

A – 2: R Step 1 / 4 Turn /w Hip Rolls X2. 1 / 4 L Paddle Turn X3. L Kick. L Ball.
1 – 2(1) Step forward on LF and roll hips clockwise from right to left. (2) Turn 1 / 4 to the right and roll your hips clockwise from left to right (You should have made a full hip roll circle). {9:00}
3 – 4Repeat count 1 – 2. {12:00}
5 – 6(5) Point to the left with LF and turn 1 / 4 to the right. (6) Point to the left with LF and turn 1 / 4 to the right. {6:00}
7 – 8 &(7) Point to the left with LF and turn 1 / 4 to the right. (8) Kick LF forward. (&) Close LF next to RF. {9:00}

A – 3: R Side Rock. L Recover. R Behind. L Side. R Cross. L Side Rock. R Recover. L Behind. 1 / 4. L Forward.
1 – 2(1) Rock to the right on RF. (2) Recover on LF.
3 & 4(3) Step RF behind LF. (&) Step to the left on LF. (4) Cross RF over LF.
5 – 6(5) Rock to the left on LF. (6) Recover on RF.
7 & 8(7) Step LF behind RF. (&) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping forward on RF. (8) Step forward on LF. {12:00}

A – 4: R Step 1 / 2 Turn X2.
1 – 2(1) Step forward on RF. (2) Turn 1 / 2 to the left placing weight on LF. {6:00}
3 – 4Repeat count 1 – 2. {12:00}

B: 16 counts
B – 1: Toe Strut V-Step.
1 – 2(1) Step R toe out to the right diagonal. (2) Step down on RF.
3 – 4(3) Step L toe out to the left diagonal. (2) Step down on LF.
5 – 6(5) Step back on R toe. (6) Step down on RF.
7 – 8(7) Step L toe next to RF. (8) Step down on LF.

B – 2: (Slow Diagonal Lock Step /w Knee Pop & Arms. Touch) X2
1 – 2(1) Step to the right diagonal on RF bringing R hand above L hand at chest height with palms facing down, there should be a little space between the hands. (2) Lock LF behind RF, pop R knee and bring both arms out to the sides so the hands are next to the shoulders, still with palms facing down and at chest level.
3 – 4(3) Step to the right diagonal on RF bringing L hand above R hand at chest height with palms facing down, there should be a little space between the hands. (4) Touch LF next to RF and bring both hands up, bent by the elbow with hands formed like fists, like you do when you show you are strong!
5 – 6(1) Step to the left diagonal on LF bringing L hand above R hand at chest height with palms facing down, there should be a little space between the hands. (2) Lock RF behind LF, pop L knee and bring both arms out to the sides so the hands are next to the shoulders, still with palms facing down and at chest level.
7 – 8(3) Step to the left diagonal on LF bringing R hand above L hand at chest height with palms facing down, there should be a little space between the hands. (4) Touch RF next to LF and bring both hands up, bent by the elbow with hands formed like fists, like you do when you show you are strong!

C: 16 counts
C – 1: R Side. L Touch. L Side. R Touch. R Chasse. L Vaudeville. R Cross Shuffle.
1 & 2 &(1) Step to the right on RF. (&) Touch LF next to RF. (2) Step to the left on LF. (&) Touch RF next to LF.
3 & 4(3) Step to the right on RF. (&) Close LF next to RF. (4) Step to the right on RF.
5 & 6 &(5) Cross LF over RF. (&) Step slightly back to the right diagonal on RF. (6) Put L heel to the left diagonal. (&) Close LF next to RF.
7 & 8(7) Cross RF over LF. (&) Step to the left on LF. (8) Cross RF over LF.

C – 2: 1 / 4 Back. 1 / 4 Forward. 1 / 4 Back. 1 / 4 Side. L Cross. 1 / 2 Unwind. L Step 1 / 2 Turn. Hop /w Hitch.
1 – 2(1) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping back on LF. (2) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping forward on RF. {6:00}
3 – 4(3) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping back on LF. (4) Turn 1 / 4 to the right stepping to the side on RF.
5 – 6(5) Cross LF over RF. (6) Unwind 1 / 2 to the right and place weight on RF. {6:00}
7 & 8(7) Step forward on LF. (&) Turn 1 / 2 to the right and place weight on RF. (8) Hop together with LF and hitch RF to the right diagonal. {1:30}

D: 32 counts
D – 1: R Dorothy /w 1 / 4. L Touch Forward. L swivel Heel. L Press. Hitch 1 / 4 L. L Side. Arms (Snowball & Pull). R Flick Behind.
1 – 2 &(1) Step to the right diagonal on RF. (2) Lock LF behind RF and start turning 1 / 4 to the left. (&) Finish turning 1 / 4 to the left stepping slightly to the right on RF. {9:00}
3 & 4(3) Touch LF forward. (&) Swivel L heel to the left. (4) Swivel L heel to center and press down on LF.
5 – 6(5) Hitch L turning 1 / 4 to the left. (6) Step to the left on LF. {6:00}
7 & 8(7) Bring R hand above L hand with palms facing each other and hands cupped, like when you are trying to form a snowball. (&) Rotate R hand out and down and L hand up and in so R is under L, palms still facing each other and cupped like trying to form a snowball. (8) Flick RF behind LF, close fists and pull L hand diagonally up to the left and R hand diagonally down to the right, just like you failed to form your snowball and are now destroying it, lol...

D – 2: R Side. L Cross. R Side. Sailor 1 / 4 Step. Hold. R Ball. Walk L, R.
1 – 2(1) Step to the right on RF. (2) Cross LF over RF.
3 – 4 &(3) Step to the right on RF. (4) Step LF behind RF. (&) Turn 1 / 4 to the left and step slightly to the right on RF. {3:00}
5 – 6 &(5) Step forward on LF. (6) Hold. (&) Close RF next to LF.
7 – 8(7, 8) Walk forward on LF, RF.

D – 3: Wave Arms Upwards. Dive. Up & Pray. R Sweep 1 / 4 /w Split Arms. R Coaster Step.
1 & 2 &Move arms like a wave upwards with arms crossing each other. You should start from chest height and end with hands in head height.(1) Hands in. (&) Hands out. (2) Hands in. (&) Hands out.
3 – 4(3) Move hands in and place the upper hands against each other with fingers pointing down, like diving, but with palms facing out and lower hands to waist level. (4) Bring up hands, still with fingers connected and form them as if you are doing a prayer.
5 – 6(5) Step back on LF and start turning 1 / 4 to the right sweeping RF from front to side, pushing hands forward and out to sides, palms facing out, R hand following the RF sweeping. (6) Finish turning 1 / 4 to the side sweeping RF from side to back still having hands in the same positions. {6:00}
7 & 8(7) Drop hands and step back on RF (&) Close LF next to RF. (8) Step forward on RF.

D – 4: L Ball. Walk R, L. R Side. L Side. Swivel Toes, Heels. L Hand Movement. R Flick Behind & R Lean, L Fist.
& 1 – 2(&) Close LF next to RF. (1, 2) Walk forward on RF, LF.
& 3 – 4(&) Step to the right on RF. (3) Step to the left on LF. (4) Swivel Toes in.
& 5 – 6(&) Swivel Heels in. (5) Push L hand to the right diagonal with palm facing out. (6) Move the hand 1 / 8 to the left, it should now be facing straight forward.
7 – 8(7) Move the hand 1 / 8 to the left, it should now be facing the left diagonal. (8) Close your L hand forming a fist and bring it to your shoulder, lean slightly to the right and flick RF behind LF.

Tag: R Jazz Box /w Cross.
1 – 2(1) Cross RF over LF. (2) Step back on LF.
3 – 4(3) Step to the right on RF. (4) Cross LF over RF.

Enjoy this little challenge! It's a really cool track so don't hesitate to show it when dancing ;)

Have fun!


Micaela October 14, 2018
Du är så duktig, Adam. Skulle sätta en smiley men det finkar inte här så tumme upp och fem stjärnor från moi

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