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Thriller EZ

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High Beginner
David Levesque (USA) - August 2018
Thriller - Michael Jackson
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Step sheet written by Alvie Aguilar and permission granted by David Levesque to submit to Copperknob.

#48 Count Intro (55 seconds in) Count starts after steps and howls

S1 [ 1 – 8 ] Breast stroke swimming arms as you Step, Step together, Step, Touch (R&L)
1– 4Step R forward, Step L next to R, Step R forward, Touch L next to R
5– 8Step L forward, Step R next to L, Step L forward, Touch R next to L

S2 [ 9 – 16] Clap, Drag with Shimmies, Shoulders Up/Down, Head turn Left /Center
1Bring both arms over your head and clap for count 1
2,3,4As you bring both arms down, shimmie shoulders & step R to right, drag L foot towards right and touch (4). (On count 4 arms should be down by your side)
5-6Shoulders up, shoulders down
7-8Turn head Left, then back to center

S3 [17 – 24] Repeat S2 but on counts 2,3,4 start with L foot to left, drag R to left, etc.

S4 [25 – 32] Zombie Arms with Claws, Walks & Hitches starting with right
1 – 3Raise right arm higher than left (Claw hands) as you step R, L, R
4Hitch L at left angle with L arm higher than right.
5 – 6Step L down, Hitch R swinging Claw arms to right
7 – 8Step R down, Hitch L swing claw arms to left.

S5 [33 – 40] Zombie Arms with Claws, Walks & Hitches starting with Left
1 – 3Raise left arm higher than right (Claw hands) as you step L, R, L
4Hitch R at right angle with R arm higher than left.
5 – 6Step R down, Hitch L swinging claw arms to left
7 – 8Step L down, Hitch R swinging claw arms to right.

S6 [41 – 48] Knee sways and ½ left turn paddle
1 – 4As you bring your R foot down, begin swaying knees for 4 counts, R,L,R,L keep weight on Left.
To begin paddle turn: Put Left hand on front of left thigh and Right hand on front of right hip, slightly bend knees and use shoulder action as you do the paddle turn.
5&Step R forward, let left foot swivel 1/8 turn on each paddle. Do it like you have a lead foot
6&Do it four times.
7&The syncopated count is for the weight going from right to left
8&Weight on left when done.




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