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Andante. Andante

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Margaret Swift (UK) - August 2018
Andante, Andante - Lily James : (Album: Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again)
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Intro 32 Count. Start on Vocals. 1 Restart. Wall 4. 2:10 secs

Section 1: Side Back X 2. Walk Right. Left. Right. Left. ¾ Hook Turning Right.
1 - 2 &Step right to right side. Rock back on left. Recover on right.
3 – 4 &Step left to left side. Rock back on right. Recover on left.
5 - 6Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left.
7 – 8Walk forward on right. Walk forward on left.
&Hook right foot under left knee turning ¾ right.

Section 2: Right Shuffle. Rock Recover. Back Lock Back. Turn ¼ Right. Long Step Right.
1 & 2Step forward on right. Close left next to right. Step forward on right.
3 - 4Rock forward on left. Recover on right.
5 & 6Step back on left. Cross right in front of left. Step back on left.
7 - 8Turn ¼ right with long step to right. Drag left next to right.

Section 3: Long Step Left. Drag. Back Rock. Kick Ball Cross. Turn ¼ Left. Step Left to Left
1 – 2Long step to left. Drag right towards left.
3 - 4Rock back on right. Recover on left. **Restart here Wall 4**
5 & 6Kick right forward. Step right next to left. Cross left over right.
7 – 8Turn ¼ left Stepping back on right. Step left to left side.

Section 4: Weave. Full Turn. Side Rock Recover. Sailor Step. Step Turn ¼ Left
1 & 2Cross right over left. Step left to left side. Cross right behind left.
& 3 4Step left to left side. Cross right over left. Full turn left.
5 - 6Rock right to right side. Recover on left.
7 &Cross right behind left. Step left next to right.
8 &Step right next to left. Step turning ¼ left.

Restart : Wall 4 Dance Section 3 up to counts 3 – 4 Rock back on right. Recover on left.
Restart dance from Beginning (Facing 6 o’clock)
Wall 7: Music fades 3:15 secs keep dancing through it, music kick back in
Last Wall Music fades out, dance ends facing front wall.

A Big thank you to Caren Hoddy for suggesting this track to me.

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'Get in Line' & Dance - Rotherham, South Yorkshire August 16, 2018
Sorry, this is an absolutely awful piece of music, so won't be even wasting my time looking at the dance!

Heather August 19, 2018
Re the above comment- why feel the need to comment at all ? We all have different taste in music no need for nastiness , personally I love the track

Peggy n Leila August 20, 2018
Lovely dance to lovely music.

Poppet April 6, 2021
Beautiful music and a beautiful dance which accentuates the meaningful words.

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