CopperKnob Stepsheets

Page Image George 158914
French Language German Language Chinese Simplified Language Chinese Traditional Language English Language

West to West

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Jaszmine Tan (MY) - August 2018
Alan Jackson (Edited Version) - Chattahoochee
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Intro : Start on vocal (Time approx. 00.14)

SEC 1 : R Grapevine Hitch L, L Grapevine Hitch R
1 – 4Step R to R, cross L behind R, step R to R, Hitch L
5 – 8Step L to L, cross R behind L , step L to L, Hitch R

SEC 2 : Step on R, Hook & Slap L Heel, Step on L , Hook & Slap R Heel, R Vine with 1/4 R Turn, Scuff
1 – 2Step on R , hook L heel behind R knee and slap with R hand
3 – 4Step on L , hook R heel front L knee and slap with L hand
5 – 8Step R to R side, cross L behind R, Step R 1/4 turn R , Scuff L (3)

SEC 3 : Step L forward, Pivot 1/2 R, Step L forward, Pivot 1/2 R, Step L forward, Close R next to L, Stomp
1 – 4Step L forward, pivot 1/2 R weight on R , Step L forward, pivot 1/2 R weight on R
5 – 8Step L forward, step R next to L , Stomp L twice (end weight on L)
** Wall 5 dance up to 32 , Restart facing 3 **

SEC 4 : Kick R forward, Step R back, Cross touch L over R, L Lock step, Scuff
1 – 4Kick R forward twice, Step R back, cross touch L over R
5 – 8Step L forward, step R behind L, Step L forward, scuff R

SEC 5 : Step R, Hold, Scuff L, Heel Split,
1 – 4Step R to R, hold, scuff L to L, step L to L
5 – 8Weight on both feet with heels apart, heel out, heel in, heel out, heel in

SEC 6 : Heel Switches, Scissors Jump
1 – 4Step R heel forward, bring R back to center, Step L heel forward, bring L back to center
5 – 8Jump feet apart, jump R across in front of L , Jump feet apart, jump L across in front of R

SEC 7 : 1/2 Turn R, Stomp R, Hold, R Swivel
1 – 21/2 Turning R on 2 count, end weight on L (9)
** Wall 7 dance up to 50 count – add 4 count Tag – stomp R hold stomp L hold, restart facing 9 **
3 – 4Stomp R diagonal forward, Hold
5 – 8Swivel R heel out, swivel R toe out, Swivel R toe in, swivel R heel in

SEC 8 : Stomp L, Hold, Stomp R, Hold, Run forward L, R, L, Hold
1 – 4Stomp L, Hold, Stomp R, Hold
5 – 8Small run forward L, R, L, Hold

SEC 9 : R Heel Touch, Hook, Touch, Flick
1 – 4Touch R Heel forward, Hook R across L, touch R heel forward, Flick R to R

End of Wall 2 add 2 count tag – stomp R twice , restart facing 6
Wall 5 dance up to 32 , restart facing 3
Wall 7 dance up to 50 count – add 4 count tag – stomp R hold stomp L hold, restart facing 9

Ending Wall 9 dance up to 44 count and make a 1/4 jazz box turning R facing front.



Pony Chen August 11, 2018

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