CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Gimme a Break!

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David Griffiths (UK) - July 2018
No tags, No Restarts.
Start dance on the word “board”.

Rock back right, recover on left, right shuffle fwd, left fwd, touch right, shuffle to right
1-2rock back on right, recover onto left (12.00)
3 & 4forward right, close left next to right, forward right (12.00)
5-6forward left, touch right next to left (12.00)
7 & 8step right to right side, close left next to right, step right to right side (12.00)

Rock left across right, recover, shuffle ¼ left, left pivot turn 1/4, crossing shuffle to left
1-2rock left across right (angled to 1.00 o’clock), recover back onto right (12.00)
3 & 4step left to left side, close right next to left, step left to left side with ¼ turn to left (9.00)
5-6step right forward, ¼ pivot turn to left, weight onto left (6.00)
7 & 8step right across left foot, step left foot to left side, step right across left foot (6.00)

Left side, right recover, left behind, right side, cross left, right side, left recover, right behind, left side, cross right
1-2small step left to left side, recover onto right (6.00)
3 & 4left foot behind right, small step right to right side, cross left foot in front of right (6.00)
5-6small step right to right side, recover onto left (6.00)
7 & 8right foot behind left, small step left to left side, cross right foot in front of left (6.00)

Hinge ½ turning back to right, left shuffle forward, right fwd, touch left, shuffle to left
1-2step left back turning ½ turn to right, step right forward (12.00)
3 & 4forward left, close right next to right, forward left (12.00)
5-6forward right, touch left next to left (12.00)
7 & 8step left to left side, close right next to left, step left to left side (12.00)

Rock right across left, recover, shuffle ¼ right, right pivot turn 1/4, crossing shuffle to right
1-2rock right across left (angled to 11.00 o’clock), recover back onto right (12.00)
3 & 4step right to right side, close left next to right, step right to right side with ¼ turn to right (3.00)
5-6step left forward, ¼ pivot turn to right, weight onto right (6.00)
7 & 8step left across right foot, step right foot to right side, step left across right foot (6.00)

Right side, close left, right shuffle forward, left side, close right, left shuffle back
1-2right side, close left next to right (6.00)
3 & 4forward left, close right next to right, forward left (6.00)
5-6left side, close right next to left (6.00)
7 & 8back left, close right next to left, back left (6.00)

Right side, touch left, kick left and cross right over right, left side, touch right, kick right and cross left over right
1-2right side, touch left next to right (6.00)
3 & 4kick left to left diagonal, replace weight onto left, cross right in front of left (6.00)
5-6left side, touch right next to left (6.00)
7 & 8kick right to right diagonal, replace weight onto right, cross left in front of right (6.00)

Rock right fwd, recover on left, right coaster, rock left fwd, recover on right, left shuffle back
1-2rock forward on recover back onto left (6.00)
3 & 4step back on right, step back left next to right, step right forward (6.00)
5-6rock forward on recover back onto left (6.00)
7 & 8back left, close right next to left, back left……….

Start Again



BarbaraS August 2, 2018
Great Dance, with no tags or restarts that’s a bonus

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