CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Apgujeong Nallari

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Phrased High Beginner
JMP (KOR) - October 2017
Apgujeong Nallari (압구정 날라리) - Sagging Snail (처진 달팽이)
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Sequence : A B A(64) TAG B A(Ending)

Tag (16 counts) : 1/4 turn left R Kick Ball Change Touch Back(R-L) x 2 ( face 12:00) R Forward Step L Forward Touch, L Step Back R Step Back, Free Style Pose

Part A – 96 counts
AS1 (1-8) R Switch Step Hold, L Switch Step Hold
1&2&3&4RF Touch side, R beside L, LF Touch side, L beside R, RF Touch side, Hold
(Styling : Spread your left arm straight over your head, Change actions Spread your right arm straight over your head, Change actions Spread your left arm straight over your head (disco style), Hold
5&6&7&8LF Touch side, L beside R, RF Touch side, R beside L, LF Touch side, Hold
(Styling : Spread your right arm straight over your head, Change actions Spread your left arm straight over your head, Change actions Spread your right arm straight over your head (disco style), Hold

AS2 (1-8) R Switch Small Step Hold, L Switch Small Step Hold
1&2&3&4RF Touch side, R beside L, LF Touch side, L beside R, RF Touch side, Hold
(Styling : Fold your two arms in the left direction in front of your chest, Change actions Fold your two arms in the right direction in front of your chest, Change actions Fold your two arms in the left direction in front of your chest, Hold)
5&6&7&8LF Touch side, L beside R, RF Touch side, R beside L, LF Touch side, Hold
(Styling : Fold your two arms in the right direction in front of your chest, Change actions Fold your two arms in the left direction in front of your chest, Change actions Fold your two arms in the right direction in front of your chest, Hold)

AS3: Repeat AS1

AS4: Repeat AS2

AS5 (1 - 8) R Vine Step Touch, Step Side Touch Back (L-R)
1 - 4RF step side, LF behind R, RF step side, LF touch beside L
5 - 8LF step side, RF touch behind L, RF step side LF touch behind R

AS6 (1 - 8) L Vine Step Touch, Step Side Touch Back (R-L)
1 - 4LF step side, RF behind L, LF step side, RF touch beside R
5 - 8RF step side, LF touch behind R, LF step side RF touch behind L

AS7 (1 - 8) R Step Forward L Hitch, L Step Back R Touch Back, V-Step
1 - 4RF step forward, LF hitch, LF step back, RF touch back
5 - 8RF diag. step forward, LF diag. step forward, RF step in back, LF step beside R

AS8 Repeat AS7

AS9 (1 - 8) R Diag. Hitch & Small Hitch(Knee bending), Touch Back Twice (10:30) R Diag. Hitch & Small Hitch(Knee bending), Touch Back 1/4 turn right (1:30)
1 - 4RF cross over L hitch, small hitch (knee bending), RF touch back x2 (10:30)
5 - 8RF cross over L hitch, small hitch (knee bending), RF touch back, 1/4 turn right (1:30) weight right

AS10 (1 - 8) L Diag. Hitch & Small Hitch(Knee bending), Touch Back Twice (1:30) L Diag. Hitch & Small Hitch(Knee bending), Touch Back 1/4 turn left (10:30)
1 - 4LF cross over R hitch, small hitch (knee bending), LF touch back x2 (1:30)
5 - 8LF cross over R hitch, small hitch (knee bending), LF touch back, 1/4 turn left (10:30) weigh left

AS11 (1 - 8) R Diag. Hitch & Small Hitch(Knee bending), Touch Back 1/4 turn right (1:30) L Diag. Hitch & Small Hitch(Knee bending), Touch Back 1/8 turn left (12:00)
1 - 4RF cross over L hitch, small hitch (knee bending), RF touch back, 1/4 turn right (1:30) weight right
5 - 8LF cross over R hitch, small hitch (knee bending), LF touch back, 1/8 turn left (12:00) weight left

AS12 (1 - 8) R Jazz Box Paddle 1/2 turn left (face 6:00)
1 - 4RF cross over L, LF side back, RF back, LF step beside R
5&6&RF side point, hitch 1/8 turn left, RF side point, hitch 1/8 turn left
7&8RF side point, hitch 1/8 turn left, RF side point (6:00)

Part B – 32 counts
BS1 (1 - 8) R Cross Rock Recover Step Side, L Cross Rock Recover Step Side, R Weave Step Side Point
1&2 3&4RF rock cross L, LF recover, RF step side, LF rock cross R, RF recover, LF step side
5 - 8RF cross over L, LF step side, RF behind L, LF point side

BS2 (1 - 8) L Cross Rock Recover Step Side, R Cross Rock Recover Step Side, L Weave Step Side Point
1&2 3&4LF rock cross R, RF recover, LF step side, RF rock cross L, LF recover, RF step side
5 - 8LF cross over R, RF step side, LF behind R, RF point side

BS3 (1 - 8) R Cross L Point Side, L Cross R Point Side, R Cross L Point Side, L Heel Swivel x2
1 - 4RF cross over L, LF point side, LF cross over R, RF point side
5 - 8RF cross over L, LF point side, LF hell swivel x2

BS4 (1 - 8) L Cross Back R Point Side, R Cross Back L Point Side, L Cross Back, R Point Side, R Heel Swivel x2
1 - 4LF cross behind R, RF point side, RF cross behind L, LF point side
5 - 8LF cross behind R, RF point side, RF hell swivel x2


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