Dance begins after 32 count intro, on the vocals. CCW Rotation With Two Restarts/Change of Step
Side Rock, Weave, ¼ Pivot Turn, Weave:
1 2 3 & 4Step R Side Right (1), Recover To L (2), Cross R Behind L (3), Step L Side Left (&), Step R forward (4), 12:00
5 6 7 8Step L forward (5), Turn ¼ To Right (6), Cross L Over R (7), Step R Side Right (8) 3:00
Weave (Cont'd) And Point, Cross Point, Cross Rock, ¼ Turn, Step:
1 2 3 4Step L Behind R (1), Touch R to Right (2), Step R Over L (3), Touch L to Left (4)
5 6 7 8Cross Rock L Over R (5), Recover On R (6), Step L Forward Turn ¼ To Left (7), Step R Forward (8) 12:00
****Restart Happens Here When Starting Dance On Walls 4 and 9. (Both walls start AND restart at 9:00.)
PLEASE note that there is a change of step here on count 8 of the second eight count, where the restart occurs. Touch R into the L INSTEAD of stepping R forward and then restart.
¼ Turn Slide Hold, Ball Step, Touch, Slide Step Hold, Ball Step Kick:
1 2 & 3 4¼ Turn Left “Slide” L Side Left (1), Hold (2), Step R Into L (&), Step L Side Left (3),Touch R Into L (4) 9:00
5 6 & 7 8“Slide” R Side Right (5), Hold (6), Step L Into R (&), Step R Side Right (7) Kick L Forward (8) 9:00
Slow Coaster, Kick Ball Touch Step, Touch Touch :
1 2 3Step L Back (1), Step R Into L (2), Step L Forward (3),
4 & 5 6 7 8Kick R forward (4), Step R Home (&), Touch L Side Left (5), Step L Home (6) Touch R To Right Side (7), Touch R Home (8) 9:00
End of dance! Begin again and have fun!
Side Rock, Weave, ¼ Pivot Turn, Weave:
1 2 3 & 4Step R Side Right (1), Recover To L (2), Cross R Behind L (3), Step L Side Left (&), Step R forward (4), 12:00
5 6 7 8Step L forward (5), Turn ¼ To Right (6), Cross L Over R (7), Step R Side Right (8) 3:00
Weave (Cont'd) And Point, Cross Point, Cross Rock, ¼ Turn, Step:
1 2 3 4Step L Behind R (1), Touch R to Right (2), Step R Over L (3), Touch L to Left (4)
5 6 7 8Cross Rock L Over R (5), Recover On R (6), Step L Forward Turn ¼ To Left (7), Step R Forward (8) 12:00
****Restart Happens Here When Starting Dance On Walls 4 and 9. (Both walls start AND restart at 9:00.)
PLEASE note that there is a change of step here on count 8 of the second eight count, where the restart occurs. Touch R into the L INSTEAD of stepping R forward and then restart.
¼ Turn Slide Hold, Ball Step, Touch, Slide Step Hold, Ball Step Kick:
1 2 & 3 4¼ Turn Left “Slide” L Side Left (1), Hold (2), Step R Into L (&), Step L Side Left (3),Touch R Into L (4) 9:00
5 6 & 7 8“Slide” R Side Right (5), Hold (6), Step L Into R (&), Step R Side Right (7) Kick L Forward (8) 9:00
Slow Coaster, Kick Ball Touch Step, Touch Touch :
1 2 3Step L Back (1), Step R Into L (2), Step L Forward (3),
4 & 5 6 7 8Kick R forward (4), Step R Home (&), Touch L Side Left (5), Step L Home (6) Touch R To Right Side (7), Touch R Home (8) 9:00
End of dance! Begin again and have fun!