CopperKnob Stepsheets

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All Nighta

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Roxanne Moates (AUS) & Luke Watson (AUS) - February 2018
Ain't Coming Home - Casey Barnes : (iTunes and Spotify)
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Notes: Tag on Wall 2 and 4, Restart on Wall 5
Weight on Right, Start 16 counts in on vocals (16 seconds) V1, Turning CW

[1-8] Side Rock, Replace, Behind, Side, Cross, ¼ turn, ¼ Turn, Samba 1/8 Turn
1-2Step/Rock L to L side, Recover weight onto R
3&4Step L behind R, Step R to R (&), Cross L in front of R
5-6Making 1/4 Turn L Step Back on R (9.00), Making 1/4 Turn L Step L to L (6.00)
7&8Cross R in front of L, Step/Rock L to L (&) Step Fwd on R facing (7.30)

[9-16] Ball Step, Rock Fwd, Recover, Coaster, Walk, Walk, ½ Pivot, Step Side 3/8 Turn
&1-2Step L beside the R, Rock Fwd onto R, Rock back onto L,
3&4Step Back on R, Step L Beside R (&) Step Fwd on R (Coaster)
5-6Walk forward Left, Right
(Option: ½ Turn R Step Back on L (1.30), ½ Turn R Step fwd onto R (7.30))
7&8Step Fwd on L, Pivot 1/2 Turn R (&) (7.30), Make 3/8 Turn R Step L to L Dragging R
Heel slightly towards L (6.00)

[17-24] Rock Recover, Shuffle ¼ Turn, Rock, Recover, ½, ¼ Together ¼
1-2Step/Rock R behind L, Recover weight Fwd onto L
3&4Make ¼ turn L Step back on R, Step L Cross R (&), Step Back R (shuffle) (3.00)
5-7Step/Rock Back on L, Recover Weight Fwd on R, ½ Right Step Back L
8&1¼ R Step R to R, Step L Beside R (&), ¼ Step Forw on R (½ Shuffle)

[25-32] Slow ¾ pivot, Behind, Side, Shuffle
2-4Step Forw L, Pivot ¾ Turn R (12.00)
&5-6Step L to L side (&), Cross R behind L, Step L to L side
7&8Step Fwd on R 45 deg towards 10.30, Step L Beside R (&), Step R beside L **

[33-40] Mambo Fwd, Mambo Back, ½ Pivot, Lock Shuffle ½ Turn
1&2Step/Rock Fwd on L, Recover weight back on R (&), Step Back on L
3&4Step/Rock Back on R, Recover weight Fwd on L (&), Step Fwd on R
5-6Step Fwd on L, Pivot ½ Turn R (4.30)
7&8Make ½ Turn R Step back on L (10.30), Cross R In Front of L (&), Step Back on L

[41-48] ½ Walk, Walk, Half turn Mambo, Step, Drag, Ball Step, Step
1-3Make 1/2 Right Walk Forw R, Walk Forw L, Rock Forw on R
(Option: ½ Turn R Fwd on R, ½ Turn R Back on L, ½ Turn R Rock Fwd on R (4.30))
&4Recover weight back on L (&), Step Back on R
5-6Step Back on L, drag R towards L
&7-8Step R beside L (&), Step Fwd on L, Step Fwd on R

Straighten up to 6.00 to start the dance again as you rock L to L side.

Tag: During wall 2 and wall 4 add the following 4 beat tag after count 32
1-2Stomp L to L Side , Stomp R to Right Side
3&4Bump hips R,L,R - Continue the dance as usual from count 33 (mambo sequence)

Restart: ** On wall 5 dance up to count 32 and restart rocking L to L side straightening up to 12.00

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