CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Daniella Portelada - May 2018
Friends by Marshmello
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#16 count intro - Sequence: AAA AAA BAA ½A

Part A: 32 counts
A[1-8] R-Step, L-Leg Drag, L-Cross Triple Step, R-Rock Recover, R- ¼ Turn Sailor
1, 2R-Step forward (1), Drag L-Leg around front over R (2)
3 & 4L-Cross triple [L (3), R (&), L (4)]
5 ,6R-Rock (5), Recover weight on L (6)
7 & 8Cross R behind L (7), Step L to the side w/ ¼ turn right to face 3:0 (&), Step R next to L(8)

A[9-16] L-Lock Step, R-Rock Recover, R-Triple Back w/ ½ Turn, L-Samba Step
1 & 2L-Step forward (1), Step R behind L (&), Step L forward (2)
3, 4Rock R forward (3), Recover weight on L (4)
5 & 6R-Triple back w/ ½ turn to face 9:00 [R (5), L (&), R (6)]
7 & 8Step L over R (7), Step R to the side w/ partial weight transfer (&), Recover weight back on L (8)

A[17-24] R-Cross over L, L-Step Side, R-Triple w/ ¾ Turn Right, L-Heel Grind w/ ¼ Left, L-Coaster Step
1, 2Step R over L (1), Step L to the side (2)
3 & 4R-Triple w/ ¾ turn over right shoulder [R (3), L (&), R (4)] to face 6:00
5, 6Put left heel forward (5), Grind your heel left with a left ¼ turn to face 3:00 (6)
7 & 8Step L foot back (7), Step R foot back next to L (&), Step L foot forward (8)

A[25-32] R-Kick Ball Change, R-Triple, Progressive Turn on L, L-Triple
1 & 2Kick R foot forward (1), Step R foot down and back a little (&), Step L foot in place (2)
3 & 4R-Triple step forward [R (3), L (&), R (4)]
5, 6Step L foot forward full spin on L (5), End the spin stepping forward on R (6)
7 & 8L-Triple forward [L (7), R (&), L (8)]

Part B: 8 Counts danced consecutively 4 times (once per wall) for 32 counts total and a full turn
B[1-8] R-Heel, L-Heel, R-Center, L-Center, R-Touch Out-In-Out, R- ¼ Turn Sailor, L-Scuff, L-Heel Drop
1 & 2 &Step forward on R heel (1), Step forward on L heel (&), Step R back to center (2), Step L back to center (&)
3 & 4Touch R toe out to the side (3), Touch R toe next to L (&), Tough R to out to the side (4)
5 & 6Cross R behind L (5), Step L to the side w/ ¼ turn right (&), Step R next to L (6)
7 & 8Scuff L foot forward (7), Put heel down in front of you (&), Drop toe down (8)

Notes: There are 6 walls dancing A, on the 7th wall you dance B which is 8 counts repeated 4x, then you go back to A for 2 full walls and a ½ to finish out the dance.



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