CopperKnob Stepsheets

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In Your Light

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Wendy Teh (MY) - May 2018
In Your Light - Jon Allen
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Intro : 20 counts
Remarks : 3 Tags & 3 Bridges

[1-8] Step R Fwd Kick L, ½ L Shuffle, Step R Fwd Pivot ¼ L Behind, ¼ L Step L Fwd, Rock ½ R Fwd, Hitch ¼ R Point L, Hitch L
1&step R fwd, kick L fwd gently
2&31/2L step L fwd, close R to L, step L fwd (6.00)
&4&5step R fwd, pivot ¼ turn L, step R behind L, ¼L step L fwd (12.00)
6&7rock R fwd, recover on L, ½ R (6.00)
&8&1/4R hitch L, point L out, hitch L (9.00)

[9-16] Step Sweep ½ R, Behind Side Cross, Side Rock Cross, Syncopated Lock Step Fwd
1step L while sweep R ½ R fr front to back (3.00)
2&3step R behind L, step L to L, cross R over L
&4&rock L to L, recover on R, cross L over R
5 6&step R diagonally, lock L behind R, step R diagonally
7&8&step L diagonally, lock R behind L, step L diagonally, step R fwd

[17-25] Step Side Walk Back-Back-¼ R Step, Walk Fwd-Fwd-1/4 R, Walk Back-Back-1/4 R, Walk Fwd-Fwd-1/4 R [Square Box]
1 2&3step L to L, walk back R-L, ¼ R step R to R (6.00)
4&5walk fwd L-R, ¼ R step L to L (9.00)
6&7walk back R-L, ¼ R step R to R (12.00)
8&1walk fwd L-R, ¼ R step L to L (3.00)

[26-32] Back Rock, Vine R, Lunge R, Two Full Turn Travelling L, Step Touch
2&rock R back, recover on L
3&4&5step R to R, cross L behind R, step R to R, cross L over R, lunge R to R
6&7&two full turn L travelling L by stepping L-R-L-R
8&step L to L, touch R next to L (slightly bend knee)

Tag (4 cts) : End of Walls 1, 3, 5, 6
1step R, cover your face with your hands (palm face in)
2&peek forward from R, back to centre
3&peek forward from L, back to centre
4&close fist, elbow out to side (when start the 1st count of the dance, press hands down)

Bridge (2 cts): During Walls 3, 5, 7
Dance up to count 16&, ADD 2 cts Bridge (cross L over R, unwind full turn R),
then continue count 17.

Ending : dance up to 20 counts (facing 3.00), step L fwd and look to main wall.



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