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Going Around

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Easy Intermediate
Adrian Lefebour (AUS) - April 2018
Going 'Round - Jordan Davis
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Notes: 24 count intro from the start of the song

[1-8] Step Back, Sweep, Sailor Fwd, 1/2 Pivot Turn, Step Lock Step
1,2Step L back, Sweep R around
3&4Step R behind L, Step L slightly to L, Step R fwd
5,6Step L fwd, 1/2 Pivot turn R (6.00)
7&8Step L fwd, Lock R behind L, Step L fwd

[9-16] 1/2 Pivot Turn, 1/2 Turn Lock Back, Step Back, Replace, 3/4 Turn
1,2Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot turn L (12.00)
3&41/4 Turn L step R to the side, Step L across in front of R, 1/4 Turn L step R back (6.00)
5,6Step L back, Replace weight fwd on R
7,81/2 Turn R step L back, 1/4 Turn R step R to the side (3.00) RESTART

[17-24] Cross, Side, Together, Step Across, 1/2 Turn, Cross, Side, Together, Step Across
1&2Step L across in front of R, Step R to the side, Step L beside R facing slightly L (2.00)
3,4,5Step R across in front of L, 1/4 Turn R step L back (6.00), 1/4 Turn R step R to the side (9.00)
6&7Step L across in front of R, Step R to the side, Step L beside R facing slightly L (8.00)
8Step R fwd/across L

[25-32] Replace, Ball Step, Side, Sailor Step, 3/4 Unwind Turn, Coaster Step/Sweep
1&2Replace weight back on L, Step ball of R to side straightening up to (9.00), Step L down (weight on L)
3&4R Sailor Step – Step R behind L, Step L slightly to L, Step R in place
5,6Touch L toe behind R, Unwind 3/4 Turn over L shoulder (weight on L) (12.00)
7&8R Coaster Step – Step R fwd, Step L next to R, Step R back and sweep L back

[33-40] Behind Side Cross, 1/2 Turn, Step Lock Step, 1/2 Pivot Turn, 1/4 Turn
1&2Step L behind R, Step R to the side, Step L across R
3,41/4 Turn L step R back, 1/4 Turn L step L fwd (6.00)
5&6Step R fwd, Lock step L behind R, Step R fwd
7&8Step L fwd, 1/2 Pivot turn R, 1/4 Turn R step L to L side (3.00)

[41-48] Behind, 1/4 Turn, 1/2 Pivot Turn, 1/4 Turn, Sailor Step x2
1,2Step R behind L, 1/4 Turn L step L fwd (12.00)
3&4Step R fwd, 1/2 Pivot turn L, 1/4 Turn L step R to R side (3.00)
5&6L Sailor Step – Step L behind R, Step R slightly to R, Step L in place
7&8R Sailor Step – Step R behind L, Step L slightly to L, Step R in place

RESTART – Wall 5
Start the dance facing 12.00 wall, dance to count 16 and restart the dance facing 3.00 wall.

FINISH – Wall 7
Starts the dance facing 6.00 wall, dance to count 36 to finish at the front wall.

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