*There are 2 Tags: at the end of walls 2 and 6 facing 6:00.
**There is one Restart: at the end of wall 4 facing 12:00.
Intro: 32 counts, start on vocals.
[1-8] Side Step, Behind Step x2, Rock and Cross, Touch
1-2Step L foot to left side, step R foot behind L
3-4Step L foot to left side, step R foot behind L
5-8Rock L foot to left side, rock to right onto R foot, cross L over R, touch R toe beside L foot [12:00]
[on counts 1-4, bend knees on the behind step]
[9-16] Kick x2, Step-Touch, Step, Kick, Step, Stomp
1-2Kick R foot forward twice
3-4Step R foot back, touch L beside R
5-6Step L foot forward, kick R foot forward
7-8Step R foot back, stomp L foot beside R [12:00]
[17-24] Side Step, Behind Step x2, Rock and Cross, Pause
1-2Step R foot to right side, step L foot behind R
3-4Step R foot to right side, step L foot behind R
5-8Rock R foot to right side, rock left onto L foot, cross R over L, pause [12:00]
[on counts 1-4, bend knees on the behind step]
[25-32] Step-Touch, Turn Step-Touch, Coaster, Stomp
25-26Step L foot to left, touch R beside
27-28Turn ¼ right onto R foot Touch L foot beside R [3:00]
29-32Step L foot back, step R back beside L, step L forward, stomp R foot beside L
Begin again.
*Tags at end of walls 2 and 6, both facing 6:00:
1-2Step L foot to left side, touch R beside
3-4Step R foot to right side, touch L beside
**Restart at end of wall 4, facing 12:00:
Dance Sections 1 and 3 [counts 1-8 and counts 17-24] and begin the dance again.
**There is one Restart: at the end of wall 4 facing 12:00.
Intro: 32 counts, start on vocals.
[1-8] Side Step, Behind Step x2, Rock and Cross, Touch
1-2Step L foot to left side, step R foot behind L
3-4Step L foot to left side, step R foot behind L
5-8Rock L foot to left side, rock to right onto R foot, cross L over R, touch R toe beside L foot [12:00]
[on counts 1-4, bend knees on the behind step]
[9-16] Kick x2, Step-Touch, Step, Kick, Step, Stomp
1-2Kick R foot forward twice
3-4Step R foot back, touch L beside R
5-6Step L foot forward, kick R foot forward
7-8Step R foot back, stomp L foot beside R [12:00]
[17-24] Side Step, Behind Step x2, Rock and Cross, Pause
1-2Step R foot to right side, step L foot behind R
3-4Step R foot to right side, step L foot behind R
5-8Rock R foot to right side, rock left onto L foot, cross R over L, pause [12:00]
[on counts 1-4, bend knees on the behind step]
[25-32] Step-Touch, Turn Step-Touch, Coaster, Stomp
25-26Step L foot to left, touch R beside
27-28Turn ¼ right onto R foot Touch L foot beside R [3:00]
29-32Step L foot back, step R back beside L, step L forward, stomp R foot beside L
Begin again.
*Tags at end of walls 2 and 6, both facing 6:00:
1-2Step L foot to left side, touch R beside
3-4Step R foot to right side, touch L beside
**Restart at end of wall 4, facing 12:00:
Dance Sections 1 and 3 [counts 1-8 and counts 17-24] and begin the dance again.