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Done For Me

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Phrased High Intermediate
Carlton Thompson (USA) - March 2018
Done For Me (feat. Kehlani) - Charlie Puth
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Seq: A | A* | B | A | A* | B | B* | C | B | B

Part A
Section A1:
1-2Step R ft. forward, Step L ft. forward
3&4&Rock R ft. to right side, recover weight onto L ft. to left side, Cross R ft. over L ft., Step L ft. to left side.
5-6Step R ft. forward 45 degrees to right side, Slide L ft. next to R ft. (place weight on L ft.)
7&8&Step R ft. forward in 45 degree angle (2:00), Make ¼ turn right leading with L ft. (4:00), Make ¼ turn right leading with R ft. (7:00), Make ¼ turn right leading with L ft. (10:00).
(You will make 5/8th turn to the right, ending up at (10:00)

Section A2:
1-2&Step R ft. to right side, Sailor-Step L ft. behind R ft., Step R ft. to right side.
3-4Step L ft. forward, Slide R ft. behind L ft.
5-6Point R ft. back (sway hips back and bring arms forward), Drag R ft. behind L ft. (sway hips forward and pull arms down).
7&8&Make 1/8 turn to the right by rocking R ft. to right side (12:00), Recover weight onto L ft., Cross R ft. over L ft., Step L ft. to left side.

Section A3
1-2Cross-Point R toe behind L ft., Point R toe to right side.
3&4&Cross R ft. over L ft. Make ¼ turn right leading with stepping L ft. back, Make ¼ turn right leading with R ft., Point L ft. to left side. (6:00)
5-6Swivel L knee to the left side, Swivel L knee back to front.
7&8&Step L ft. behind R ft., Step R ft. to right side, Step L ft. forward, Toe-Touch R toe behind L ft.

Section A4
1-2Rock R ft. back, Recover L ft. forward.
3&4Step R ft. back, Step L ft. next to R ft., Step R ft. forward.
5-6Pivot L knee out to the left, Bring L knee back to center.
7&8&Step L ft. to left side, Cross R ft. behind L ft., Pivot ½ turn left with L ft. (12:00), Point R toe out to right side.

Part B
Section B1:
1-2Step R ft. forward, Step L ft. forward.
3&4&Rock R ft. to right side, Recover back on L ft. to left side, Cross R ft. over L ft., Make ¼ turn right by leading with L ft. stepping back. (3:00)
5-6Rock R ft. forward, Make ½ turn right by pivoting on L ft. (9:00)
7-8Rock R ft. forward, Make ½ turn right by pivoting on L ft. (3:00)

Section B2:
1-2Pivot-Step R ft. forward (and pivot on this foot to make a ½ turn right, your L ft. is dragging behind), Step L ft. back (9:00).
3&4Step R ft. back, Step L ft. next to R ft., Step R ft. forward.
5-6Step L ft. forward, Step-Pivot R ft. forward into a ½ turn L (swinging left leg around) (3:00)
7&8Step L ft. behind, Step R ft. next to L ft., Step L ft. forward.

Section B3:
1&2Rock R ft. back 45 degrees, Recover forward on L ft., Cross R ft. over L ft.
3&4&Rock L ft. back 45 degrees, Recover forward on R ft., Cross L ft. over R ft., Make ¼ turn right by Pivot-Step R ft. forward. (6:00)
5&6&Ball-Step L ft. to left side and Swivel left knee to the left, Swivel knee to center, Swivel left knee to left side (place weight onto L ft.), Bring R ft. next to L ft.
7&8&Ball-Step L ft. to left side and Swivel left knee to the left, Swivel knee to center, Swivel left knee to left side (place weight onto L ft.), Toe-Touch R toe next to left.

Section B4:
1-2Cross-Point R toe over L ft., Point R toe to right side.
3&4 (Sailor Step) R ft. behind L ft., Rock L ft. to left side, Step R ft. to right side.
5&6&(Sailor Step) L ft. behind R ft., Rock R ft. to right side, Step L ft. to left side, Cross R ft. behind L ft.
7&8&Pivot ½ turn L with L ft. (12:00), Step R ft. to right side, Cross L ft. behind R ft., Point R ft. to right side.

Part C (Facing 3:00)
Section C1:
1Step R ft. forward
2-3-4Make ½ turn right by swinging L ft. around (9:00)
5Step L ft. back
6-7-8Make ¼ turn right by swinging R ft. around (12:00)

Section C2:
1Step R ft. to right side
2-3-4 Sway to the right
5-6Recover on L ft.
7-8Rock R ft. back, Hold.

Section C3:
1-4Step L ft. forward, Hold.
5-8Cross R ft. over L ft., Hold.

Section C4:
1-4Step L ft. to left side, Hold.
5-8Sway R, L, R, L

Part A (On Second Part A)
8 –Count tag takes place in Section 4:
1-2Step R ft. forward, Drag L ft. behind R ft.
3-4Step L ft. forward, Drag R ft. behind L ft.
5-6Step R ft. forward, Drag, L ft. behind R ft.
&7-8Pivot ½ turn right with L ft., Hop-Step R ft. forward, Hop-Step L ft. forward.

On your third (3rd) Part B*, you will only do the first two sections (16 counts). Then you will go into a freestyle interlude at 2:09 - 2:25.

Then you start back on Wall 1 with Part B

YouTube: Search Under “Carlton Thompson” and Please Subscribe!


Happy Feeet March 26, 2018
Beautiful demo.

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