CopperKnob Stepsheets

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You're Unbelievable

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Easy Intermediate
Judy Rodgers (USA) - March 2018
Unbelievable - Mark Medlock & Dieter Bohlen : (Album: Dreamcatcher)
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Start on the work 'smile'

S1: Side rock recover, side behind turn ¼ L, step turn ½ R turn ½ R, rocking chair
1-2&Big step R to right side, rock L back, recover R
3-4&Big step L to left side, step R behind L, turn ¼ left step L fwd 9:00
5-6&Step R fwd, turn 1/2 right step L back, turn 1/2 right step R fwd
7&8&Rock L fwd, recover R, step L back, recover R

S2: Side rock recover, side behind turn ¼ R, rock recover turn ½ L, run run run run
1-2&Big step L to left side, rock R back, recover L
3-4&Big step R to right side, step L behind R, turn ¼ right step R fwd 12:00
5-6&Rock L fwd, recover R, turn 1/2 left step L fwd 6:00
7&8&Run fwd R, L, R, L

S3: Rock recover & rock recover &, step side rock, cross side behind side
1-2&Rock R fwd, recover L, step R beside L
3-4&Rock L back, recover R, step L beside R
5-6&Step R fwd, rock L to left side, recover R
7&8&Cross L over R, step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side

S4: Rock recover turn ¼ L, mambo step, coaster step, turn 1/2 L turn 1/4 L
1-2&Cross rock L, recover R, turn ¼ L step L fwd 3:00
3-4&Rock R fwd, recover L, step R slightly back
5-6&Step L back, step R beside L, step L fwd
7-8&Turn ½ L step R back, turn 1/4 L step L to left side, touch R beside L 6:00

S5: Fwd rock recover, cross turn ¼ L turn ¼ L, step rock recover, side sway sway
1-2&Step R fwd, rock L to left, recover R
3-4&Cross L over R, turn ¼ left step R back, turn ¼ left step L to left side 12:00
5-6&Step R fwd, rock L fwd, recover R
7-8&Step L to left side, sway right, sway left (weight on left)
**Wall 2 - Restart facing 6:00; Wall 4 - restart facing 12:00

S6: Side behind side, cross unwind 1/2 R, sweep/step sweep/step, sweep sailor step, sway
1-2&Step R to right side, step L behind R, step R to right side
3-4Cross L over R, unwind 1/2 over right shoulder (weight on L) 6:00
5-6Sweep R from front to back step R back, sweep L from front to back step L back
7&8&Sweep/step R behind L, step L to left side, step R to right side, sway L

There are 2 40 counts and restart.
Wall 2 starts 6:00....Restarts facing 6:00; Wall 4 starts 12:00...Restarts facing 12:00


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