CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Trine Haukø Lund (NOR) - November 2017
You're the One - Jody Direen
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#16 count intro - Sequence of dance: 64-TAG-32-TAG/RESTART48-TAG/RESTART-64-24-40-60

Section 1: Shuffle R, rock step, shuffle L, rock step
1&2Step RF to R, step LF next to RF, step RF to R
3-4Rock LF behind RF, recover on RF
5&6Step LF to L, step RF next to LF, step LF to L
7-8Rock RF behind LF, recover on LF

Section 2: Heel, toe, hitch R-L
1-4Twist heels to R, twist toes to R, twist heels to R, hitch LK
5-8Twist heels to L, twist toes to L, twist heels to L, hitch RK

Sectio 3: Step, touch with clap X 4
1-2Step RF diagonal forward R, touch LT next to RF, clap
3-4Step LF diagonal backwards L, touch RT next to LF, clap
5-6Step RF diagonal backwards R, touch LT next to RF, clap
7-8Step LF diagonal forward L, touch RT next to LF, clap
Restart here in wall 5

Section 4: Toe, heel, forw R-L, 1/4 turn L, cross shuffle
1-4Walk R forward on toe, heel, walk L forward on toe, heel
5-6Step RF forward, turn 1/4 L(9:00), weight on LF
7&8Cross RF over LF, step LF to L, cross RF over LF
Tag /Restart here in wall 2

Section 5: Shuffle L, 1/4 turn L, shuffle R, 1/4 turn R, shuffle L, 1/4 turn L, shuffle R
1&2Step LF to L, step RF next to LF, step LF to L
3&4Turn 1/4 R(12:00), step RF to R, step LF next to RF, step RF to R
5&6Turn 1/4 R(3:00), step LF to L, step RF next to LF, step LF to L
7&8Turn 1/4 R(6:00), step RF to R, step LF next to RF, step RF to R
Restart after 7&hold here in wall 6

Section 6: Kick L-R, slide, touch, kick R-L, slide, touch
1&2&Kick LF forward, step LF next to RF, kick RF forward, step RF next to LF
3-4Slide forward on LF, touch RT next to LF
5&6&Kick RF forward, step RF next to LF, kick LF forward, step LF next to RF
7-8Slide forward on RF, touch LT next to RF
Tag/restart here in wall 3

Section 7: Step 1/2 turn R, shuffle, step 1/2 turn L, shuffle
1-2Step LF forward, turn 1/2 R(12:00), weight on RF
3&4Step LF forward, step RF next to LF, step LF forward
5-6Step RF forward, turn 1/2 L(6:00), weight on LF
7&8Step RF forward, step LF next to RF, step RF forward

Section 8: Touch L-R, 1/4 turn R, touch L-R, rocking chair
1&2&Touch LT to L, step LF next to RF, touch RT to R, step RF next to LF
3&4Turn 1/4 R(9:00), touch LT to L, step LF next to RF, touch RF to R
5-8Rock RF forward, recover on LF, rock RF backwards, recover on LF
Tag after wall 1

Tag 1 after wall 1 facing 9
Tag 2/Restart in wall 2 after 32 counts facing 6
Tag 2/Restart in wall 3 after 48 counts facing 12
Restart in wall 5 after 24 counts facing 9
Restart in wall 6 after 40 counts facing 3
NOTE: The restart in wall 6 appears after the last shuffle in section 5. Replace the last shuffle in section 5 with: Step RF to R, step LF next to RF, then start the dance from the beginning.

Tag 1: after wall 1 facing 9
Jazz box
1-4Cross RF in front of LF, step LF backwards, step RF to R, step LF forward

Tag 2: in wall 2 after 32 counts facing 6, and in wall 3 after 48 counts facing 12
Rock, recover, cross, hold
1-4Rock LF to L, recover on RF, cross LF over RF, hold



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