CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Novice / Improver
Double Trouble (CAN) - November 2017
She Just Wants To Dance - Johnny Reid : (Album: Revival.)
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Start 32 counts in, on the lyrics

S1: Walk Forward R,L, Right Anchor Step, Coaster Left, Step Forward Right ½ Turn Pivot Left.
1-2Walk Forward Right, Left.
3&4Anchor Step Right – Step the right foot behind left, quickly step onto left, step back onto right.
5&6Coaster Back Left – Step back onto left foot, quickly step right beside left, Step Left Forward.
7-8Step Right foot Forward, Pivot ½ turn Left taking weight onto Left foot.

S2: Step to Right Angle Bounce Heels, Step to Left Angle Bounce Heels.
1-4Step right foot to right angle, step left foot next to right, and bounce your heels twice.
5-8Step left foot to left angle, step right foot next to left, and bounce your heels twice.

S3: Hop Back Right foot and Touch Left Hold, Hop back Left Foot and Touch Right Hold, 4 quick syncopated back touches, R, L, R, L
&1-2Quickly step back right on angle, and touch left beside right and hold.
&3-4Quickly step back on left on angle and touch right beside left and hold.
&5&6Quickly step back on right angle and touch left beside right, quickly step back on left angle and touch right beside left.
&7&8Quickly step back on right angle and touch left beside right, quickly step back on left angle and touch right beside left.

S4: Sway Hips To Right, Sway Hips Left, Right Side Chasse, Sway Hips Left, Sway Hips Right, Left ¼ turn Sailor Step (with foot swivels on sways)
1-2Step right to right side while swaying hips to the right, Step side onto left while swaying hips to the left.
3&4Side Shuffle to the right. R, L, R
5-6Step left to left side while swaying hips to the left, Step side onto right while swaying hips to the right.
7&8Sailor Left while making a ¼ turn to the Left. L, R, L

Note: Footwork while doing the sways – on your right sways – swivel your left heel in, and on your left sways, step onto the left, and swivel your right heel in. (easy option just do the sways)

Cathy Montgomery
Kathy Kaczmarek


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