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Feel Glorious

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Phrased Intermediate
Jonathan YANG (FR) - October 2017
Glorious (feat. Skylar Grey) - Macklemore : (iTunes)
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*32 counts (part A) / Funky, BPM 142
*16 counts (part B) / Night Club, BPM 71

Sequences as follows : A, A, A, A, B, A, A, A, A, B, A, A, A, B, B, ENDING
Introduction : 16 counts

Part A: 32 counts
A1: R Rocking Chair, Step fwd, Bounces 1/2 Turn, L Hitch
1-2rock RF forward, recover on LF back
3-4rock RF back, revover on LF forward
5step RF forward
6-72 heel Bounces on the ground with 1/2 turn left (weight on RF back) - face to 6:00 -
8L hitch forward
***Option : replace counts 1-2 by :
1-2jump on RF forward with little flick back, recover on LF back with a kick forward

A2: Step fwd, Together & Hitch, Step fwd, Together, Hitch, Heel Grind 1/4 Left, Side, Cross
1-2step LF forward, step RF next to LF making hitch from R knee
3-4step LF forward, step RF next to LF making hitch from R knee
5-6cross L heel over RF, 1/8 turn L grind L heel into floor as you step RF to R side - face to 4:30 -
7-81/8 turn L step LF to L side, cross RF over LF - face to 3:00 -
***Option : add & between counts 2-3-4
&3step LF forward, step RF next to LF making hitch from R knee
&4step LF forward, step RF next to LF making hitch from R knee

A3: L Side Rock, L Sailor Step, R Sailor Step, Together, Side
1-2rock LF to L side, recover on RF to R side
3&4sailor step : cross LF behind RF, step RF to R side, step LF to L side (lightly backward)
5&6sailor step : cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, step RF to R side (lightly backward)
7-8step LF next to RF, step RF to R side

A4: 1/8 Turn L Together, Cross, 1/4 Turn Step L bwd, 1/4 Turn Side Step R, 1/8 Turn R Rock L fwd, Side Jump x2
1-21/8 turn L step LF next to RF, cross RF over LF – face to 1:30 -
3-41/4 turn R step LF back, 1/4 turn R step RF to R side – face to 7:30 -
5-61/8 turn R rock LF forward, recover on RF back - face à 9:00 -
7-82 jump on both feet to L side (weight on LF)

Part B: 16 counts
B1 : 1/8 Left Side Step, 1/8 Right Touch L & Snap, 1/8 Right Side Step, 1/8 Left Touch & Snap, Walks Back with Sweep, Sailor Step, Together
1-21/8 turn L step RF to R side (bend both knees), 1/8 turn R touch L next to RF with snaps
3-41/8 turn R step LF to L side (bend both knees), 1/8 turn L touch R next to LF with snaps
5step RF back sweeping LF front to back
6step LF back sweeping RF front to back
7&8sailor step : cross RF behind LF, step LF to L side, step RF to R side
&step LF next to RF

B2: Side Lunge, Recover witht 1/4 L, Full Turn, Sweep, Cross, 1/4 Right Twice, Prissy Walks
1-2Lunge RF to R side, 1/4 turn L recover on LF forward - face to 9:00 -
&31/2 turn L step RF back, 1/2 turn L step LF forward sweeping RF back to front
4cross RF over LF - face to 7:30 -
&51/4 turn R step LF back, 1/4 turn step RF forward - face to 1:30 -
6-7-8cross LF over RF, 1/8 turn L cross RF over LF, cross LF over RF

ENDING : to stick with lyrics « I Feel Glorious, Glorious... » make the last 3 Prissy Walks by gradually raising both arms and tightening the fists of glory
Finish on music with PRISSY WALKS until you're out from the dance floor « Gloriously »

« Temps-Danse-Aimant »

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