CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Get Set

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Hiroko Carlsson (AUS) - October 2017
Get Set - Taxiride
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(Intro approx. 30 sec / Start on Vocals)
Sequence: A, B, A, B, A, A, A, Tag 1, B, A, B, Tag 2, Ending

Part A: 16 counts
A[S1] Coaster Step, 2x Side Rock-Recover-Cross, Coaster Fwd, Rock Back-Fwd-Back w/ 1/4L
1&2Step R back, Step L next to R, Step R fwd
&3&Rock L to left side, Recover weight on R, Cross L over R
4&5Rock R to right side, Recover weight on L, Cross R over L
&6&Step L fwd, Step R next to L, Step L back
7&8Rock/push back on R, Rock/push fwd on L, Recover (push back) weight on R make a 1/4L turn slightly hitching L (9:00)

A[S2] Box Weave (Weave L w/ 1/4L, Weave R w/ 1/4L, Weave L w/ 1/4L, Weave R), Side Rock-Recover, 1/4R Fwd, 1/2R Ball Turn
1&2Step L to left side, Step R behind L, Step L to left side and make a 1/4 turn left
&3&Step R to right side, Step L behind R, Step R to left side and make a 1/4 turn left
4&5Step L to left side, Step R behind L, Step L to left side and make a 1/4 turn left
&6&Step R to right side, Step L behind R, Step R to left side
7&Rock L to left side, Recover weight on R
8&Make a 1/4 turn right stepping L fwd, Turning further 1/2R on ball of left foot w/ R hook (12:00)

Part B: 40 counts
B[S3] R Fwd w/ Sweep, Cross, Side, Back, 1/2L, Fwd-Together, Back, Coaster Cross
1 2&Step R fwd with L sweep, Cross L over R, Step R to side
3 4Step L back, Make a 1/2 turn left weight ending on L
a 5Step R fwd, Step L next to R
6Step R back
7&8Step L back, Step R next to L, Cross L over R (6:00)

B[S4] Back w/ Sweep, Back w/ Sweep, Back w/ 1/4L Sweep, Coaster Step, Step-Pivot 1/4L, Triple Turn 1/2R
1 2 3Step back on R with L sweep, Step back on L with R sweep, Step back on R and make a 1/4 turn left with L sweep
&4&Step L back, Step R next to L, Step L fwd
5 6Step R fwd, Make a 1/2 turn left weight recover on L
7 8Cross R over L, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping back on L, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping R fwd (6:00)

B[S5] L Fwd w/ Sweep, Cross, Side, Back, 1/2R, Fwd-Together, Back, Coaster Cross, Side(&)
1 2&Step L fwd with R sweep, Cross R over L, Step L to side
3 4Step R back, Make a 1/2 turn right weight ending on R
a 5Step L fwd, Step R next to L
6Step L back
7&8&Step R back, Step L next to R, Cross R over L, Step L to left side (12:00)

B[S6] Rock Behind-Recover, 1/4L Back, 1/2L Fwd, 1/4L Side(&), Rock Behind-Recover, 1/4R Back, 1/4R Side, Together(&)
1 2Rock R behind L, Recover weight on L
3 4&Make a 1/4 turn left stepping back on R, Make a 1/2 turn left stepping fwd on R, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping L to left side
5 6Rock L behind R, Recover weight on R
7 8Make a 1/4 turn right stepping back on L, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping R to right side
&Step L together (6:00)

B[S7] Step w/ Hitch 1/2R, Fwd, Fwd, Step w/ Hitch 1/2L, Fwd, Hitch
1 2Step R fwd, Make a 1/2 turn right on a ball of R slightly hitching L
3 4Step L fwd, Step R fwd
5 6Step L fwd, Make a 1/2 turn left on a ball of L slightly hitching R
3 4Step R fwd, Step L fwd slightly hitching R (6:00)

Tag 1 - Rocking Chair
1 2 3 4Step R fwd, Recover weight on L, Step R back, Recover weight on L (12:00)

Tag 2 - Repeat Section 7
1 2Step R fwd, Make a 1/2 turn right on a ball of R slightly hitching L
3 4Step L fwd, Step R fwd
5 6Step L fwd, Make a 1/2 turn left on a ball of L slightly hitching R
7 8Step R fwd, Step L fwd slightly hitching R (6:00)

Ending (facing 6:00) – 2x Modified Figure 8
1&2Step R to right side, Step L behind R, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping fwd on R
3 4Step L fwd, Make a 1/2 turn right weight recover on R (3:00)
5&6Make a 1/4 turn right stepping L to left side, Step R behind L, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping fwd on L
7 8Step R fwd, Make a 1/2 turn left weight recover on L (9:00)

1&2Make a 1/4 turn left stepping R to right side, Step L behind R, Make a 1/4 turn right stepping fwd on R
3 4Step L fwd, Make a 1/2 turn right weight recover on R (3:00)
5&6Make a 1/4 turn right stepping L to left side, Step R behind L, Make a 1/4 turn left stepping fwd on L
7 8Step R fwd, Make a 1/4 turn left weight recover on L (12:00)
Drag R together to finish!

Please feel free to contact me if you need any further information. (
(Update: 24/Oct/17)


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