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Hurts Like A Cha Cha

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Simon Ward (AUS), Daniel Trepat (NL) & Fred Whitehouse (IRE) - October 2017
Nothing Ever Hurt Like You - James Morrison
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Intro: 40 counts from first beat in music (app. 20 sec. into track)

** Winner of the Pro Challenge Competition at the Windy City Linedancemania **

[1 – 8] Cross, ¼ turn L with a drag, Step fwd, Step Lockstep, Step fwd, Step fwd with a ¾ turn Spiral turn R, Step R
1 – 3Cross L over R (1), ¼ turn L dragging the R next to L (2), Step R forward (3) 9:00
4&5Step L forward (4), Lock R behind L (&), Step L forward (5) 9:00
6 – 8Step R forward (6), Step L forward & make a ¾ turn R spiral turn (7), Step R to R side (8) 6:00

[9 – 16] Touch with Snap, Hip L R, ¼ turn L 2x, Weave, Hold
1 – 3Touch L next to R & snap R fingers & look R (1), Step L to L side with Hip L (2), Change weight to R with Hip R (3) 6:00
4 – 5¼ turn L stepping L forward (4), ¼ turn L stepping R to R side (5) 12:00
6&7 - 8Cross L behind R (6), Step R to R side (&), Cross L over R (7), Hold (8) 12:00

[17 – 24] Side, Cross with Sweep, Cross, Side, 1/8 turn L, Walk R L, Step Lockstep, Step fwd
&1Step R to R side (&), Cross L behind R & sweep R from front to back (1) 12:00
2 – 5Cross R behind L (2), Step L to L side (3), 1/8 turn L stepping R fwd (4), Step L fwd (5) 10:30
6&7 – 8Step R forward (6), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (7), Step L forward (8) 10:30

[25 – 33] ½ turn R, Head Move, Heel Swivel 2x, Step fwd, Side with Spiral turn R, Cha cha R
1 – 3½ turn R keeping the weight on L (1), Look over the L shoulder (2), Look back to front (3) 4:30
&4&5Twist R heel out (&), Turn R heel back (4), Twist R heel out (&), Turn R heel back (5) 4:30
6 – 71/8 turn R stepping on R (6), Step L to L side & turn a ½ turn spiral R (7) 12:00
8&1Step R to R side (8), Step L next to R (&), Step R to R side (1) 12:00

[34 – 40] Hold, Ball Cross, Side, ½ turn Touch with Knee Switches (Head Movement)
2&3 – 4Hold (2), Step L on ball next to R (&), Cross R over L (3), Step L to L side (4) 12:00
5&6&Touch R next to L with knee forward (5), ¼ turn R stepping R next to L (&), Touch L next to R with knee forward & head down (6), Step L in place (&) 3:00
7&8&Touch R next to L with knee forward & head up (7), ¼ turn R stepping R next to L (&), Touch L next to R with knee forward & head down (8), Step L in place (&) 6:00

[41 – 48] Kick, Walk R L, Step Lockstep, Rockstep, ½ turn L, Step fwd
1 – 3Head up & Kick R forward (1), Step R forward (2), Step L forward (3) 6:00
4&5Step R forward (4), Lock L behind R (&), Step R forward (5) 6:00
6 – 8Rock L forward (6), Recover on R (7), ½ turn L stepping L forward (8) 12:00
Restart In wall 2 & 4. Replace count 8 with a touch L to L side

[49 – 56] 3x Turning Hip Rolls with Cross, Out, Out, In, Cross
1 – 2¼ turn L stepping R to R side & pushing your hip back and to R (1), Cross L over R (2) 9:00
3 – 4¼ turn L stepping R to R side & pushing your hip back and to R (3), Cross L over R (4) 6:00
5 – 6¼ turn L stepping R to R side & pushing your hip back and to R (5), Step L forward (6) 3:00
&7&8Step R out (&), Step L out (7), Step R in (&), Cross L over R (8)
(go up on ball of feet on the out out) 3:00

[57 – 64] Diagonal Kick & Sit, Swivel L, ¼ turn L swivel R, Step L R fwd, ½ turn L, Kick & Close
1&2Kick R diagonally R forward (1), Step R to the R side (&), Bend knees and sit weight on R (2) 3:00
3 – 4Swivel heels to L (3), Swivel heels to R with a ¼ turn L (4) 12:00
5 – 8&Step L forward (5), Step R forward (6), ½ turn L stepping L forward (7), Kick R forward (8), Step R next to L (&)

We are looking forward to dance it with you on the dancefloor!

26 JUN '18 50


lulubelle October 17, 2017
Enjoying this one!

dancer33 October 19, 2017
Wow ........what can I say world class .

OLDSALTY October 21, 2017
Very Nice .Unique and interesting steps Victoria

Dancer58 October 25, 2017
When are we going to get dances the majority want to dance.
This is an advance dance.

Kato October 31, 2017
Agree with Dancer58 - this is a 'show dance' and whilst the track may be popular the dance will not, and if danced at all will be modified to make it more universally acceptable - so what is the point?!! Clever is not always popular!!

Dancindizzy November 19, 2017
Superb choreography, fantastic track, beautiful styling....what's not to like

loveableh November 28, 2017
Omg I could just watch those three dance this over and over I love it and they do it so well ... loved their demo FANTASTIC dance well done guys now to try and learn it lol

loveableh November 28, 2017
It was the WINNER of the pro challenge in Windy City and trust me the majority def want to do this .. what you have to mind is yes this May Ben a show dance but it’s also very doable
Fantastic choreography that hits every beat well executed and fun .. lighten up dancer 58 and Kato don’t do it then

Sue Larimer November 29, 2017
YES!!!!! This is a difficult dance for me, but I love the challenge. You guys totally rock!!! Keep pushing us!

CeeCee February 4, 2018
Just loving, loving, loving this one!!

anniemac February 8, 2018
Fab. dance. My favourite of the modern dances as the moves are included in the script. You shouldn't dance with just your feet. Well done boys!

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