CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Phrased Intermediate
Nathan Gardiner (SCO) - September 2017
Intro: 8 counts start on word ‘Wind’
Sequence: A, B, C, A, B, C, A, B-16 counts, B, C, A, B

Part A – 32 counts
A1: Touch Behind, Unwind Full Turn L, Sway R & L, Hip Bumps Bending Knees, Hip Bumps Straightening Both Knees
1-2Touch L behind, Unwind full turn L
3-4Step R to R side swaying hips to R side, Sway hips to L side
5&6Bump hips to R side, Bump hips to L side, Bump hips to R side (gradually bending both knees)
7&8Bump hips to L side, Bump hips to R side, Bump hips to L side (gradually straightening both knees)

A2: Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, ¼ L, Paddle ¾ L, Cross
1-2Rock out to R side, Recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
5-6¼ L stepping forward on L, ¼ L pointing R to R side
7-8½ L pointing R to R side, Cross R over L

A3: Touch Behind, Unwind Full Turn L, Sway R & L, Hip Bumps Bending Knees, Hip Bumps Straightening Both Knees
1-2Touch L behind R, Unwind full turn L
3-4Step R to R side swaying hips to R side, Sway hips to L side
5&6Bump hips to R side, Bump hips to L side, Bump hips to R side (gradually bending knees)
7&8Bump hips to L side, Bump hips to R side, Bump hips to L side (gradually straightening both knees)

A4: Side Rock, Recover, Behind Side Cross, ¼ L, Paddle ¾ L, Touch Across
1-2Rock out to R side, Recover on L
3&4Step R behind L, Step L to L side, Cross R over L
5-6¼ L stepping forward on L, ¼ L pointing R to R side
7-8½ L pointing R to R side, Touch R over L

Part B – 32 counts
B1: Dorothy R & L, Rock Forward, Recover, Coaster Step
1-2&Step forward on R, Lock L behind R, Step slightly forward on R
3-4&Step forward on L, Lock R behind L, Step slightly forward on L
5-6Rock forward on R, Recover on L
7&8Step back on R, Step L next to R, Step forward on R

B2: Rock Forward, Recover, Ball Step Back, Step Back, ¼ R, Point, ½ L, Point
1-2&Rock forward on L, Recover on R, Step L next to R
3-4Step back on R, Step back on L
5-6¼ R stepping R to R side, Point L to L side
7-8½ L crossing L over R, Point R to R side

B3: Hitch Ball Cross, Side Rock, Recover, Sailor ½ R, Walk Forward L & R
1&2Hitch R knee up, Step R slightly to R side, Cross L over R
3-4Rock out to R side, Recover on L
5&6Step R behind L, ¼ R stepping L to L side, ¼ R stepping R to R side
7-8Step forward on L, Step forward on R

B4: Dorothy L & R, Rock Forward, Recover, Step Back, ¼ R
1-2&Step forward on L, Lock R behind L, Step slightly forward on L
3-4&Step forward on R, Lock L behind R, Step slightly forward on R
5-6Rock forward on L, Recover on R
7-8Step back on L, ¼ R stepping R to R side

Part C – 16 counts
C1: Side L, Hold, Side R, Hold, Jazz Box Touch
1-2Step L to L side, Hold
3-4Step R to R side, Hold
5-6Cross L over R, Step back on R
7-8Step L to L side, Touch R next to L

C2: Side R, Touch, Hip Bump, Side L, Touch, Hip Bump, Sway R & L, Large Step R, Drag L
&1&2Step R to R side, Touch L next to R, Bump L hip up, Bump hip back to centre
&3&4Step L to L side, Touch R next to L, Bump R hip up, Bump hip back to centre
5-6Step R to R side swaying hips to R side, Sway hips to L side
7-8Large step to R side, Drag L towards R

Restart: On the 3rd B dance 16 counts change ½ L, Point to ¼ L, Point then restart part B


Last Update - 3rd Sept 2017


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