CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Bad Liar

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Intermediate Cha Cha
John Huffman (USA) - July 2017
Bad Liar - Selena Gomez : (Album: Bad Liar)
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Intro: Dance starts after 16 counts, wt. on left

Walk, Walk, Pivot 1/2, Shuffle 1/2, Backrock, Recover, Shuffle Fwd
1-2-31) Step R fwd 2) Step L fwd 3) Pivot 1/2 R (wt to R)
4&54) Turn 1/4 R step L to side &) Step R to L 5) Turn 1/4 R step L back
6-76) Rock R back 7) Recover to L
8&18) Step R fwd &) Step L to R 1) Step R fwd (12:00)
Restart here during wall 6
Tag then Restart here during wall 11

Kick Fwd, Kick Side, Sailor 1/2, Step, Pivot 1/2, Shuffle 1/2
2-32) Kick L fwd 3) Kick L to side
4&54) Step L behind R &) Turn 1/4 L step R in place 5) Turn 1/4 L step L fwd
6-76) Step R fwd 7) Pivot 1/2 L (wt to L)
8&18) Turn 1/4 L step R to side &) Step L next to R 1) Turn 1/4 L step R back (6:00)

1/4, Cross, Kick-Ball-Cross, Side rock, Recover, Behind-Side-Cross
2-32) Turn 1/4 L step L to side 3) Step R across L
4&54) Kick L to L diag &) Ballstep L in place 5) Step R across L
6-76) Rock L to side 7) Recover to R
8&18) Step L behind R &) Step R to side 1) Step L across R (3:00)

Side rock, Recover 1/4 w Small Hitch, Shuffle, Cross, Unwind Full Turn
2-32) Rock R to side 3) Turn 1/4 R recover to L w small hitch (leave toe touched)
4&54) Step R fwd &) Step L to R 5) Step R fwd
66) Step L across R
7-87-8) Unwind full turn R (wt to L) Tip: If you don’t make it all the way around, turn the extra 1/4 as you’re stepping fwd for Step 1 of dance (6:00)

Restart: After counts 8& of the 1st set of Wall 6, restart dance from beginning.

Tag/Restart: After counts 8& of the 1st set of Wall 11, dance the following 4 count tag then restart dance from the beginning

Tag: V step
1-2-3-41) Step R to R diag 2) Step L to L diag 3) Step R back to center 4) Step L to R

Repeat, Have fun



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