Phrased Intermediate
Dance Sequence: A+turn 1/2 left+A+turn 1/2 left+T+B+turn 1/4 left+C+T+B+End
Intro : 24 counts. Begin on main vocals
Part A: 36 counts
A[1-12] step,cross,step,cross,bend knees(*4),hop & hook(*4)
1234step left to side,step right cross left,step left to side,step right cross left(10:30)
5678knees bend and straight four time in place
9,10rock hop left to left diagonal and hook right, rock hop right to right back diagonal and hook left(10:30)
11,12repeat 9,10
A[2-8] cross ,diagonal, cross ,diagonal,diagonal, cross ,diagonal,cross
1234step left cross right,step right to right diagonal,step left cross right,step right to right diagonal(1:30)
5678step left to left diagonal,step right cross left,step left to left diagonal,step right cross left(10:30)
A[3-8] turn 1/4 left ,side,turn 1/2 left ,side,in place, beside,lunges(*4)
1234turn 1/4 left stepping left to left side(9:00), turn 1/2 left stepping right to right side(3:00),rock step left in place,step right beside left
56lunges left to side, lunges right to side
78repeat 56
A[4-8] walk(*4),turn 1/4 left,pony jump(*2.)
1234walk left, right, left, right forward(3:00)
5&67&8turn 1/4 left and pony jump to left side, pony jump to right side(12:00)
Part B: 54 counts
B[1-8] side, touch side, side, touch side,bump hip counterclockwise (*4),hitch knee
1234step left to side, touch right toe to side, step right to side, touch left toe to side(12:00)
5678bump hip to make a round counterclockwise right-left-right for 4 counts, hitch left knee
B[2-8] Rock touch diagonal, hitch knee,Rock touch diagonal, hitch knee,lunges diagonal ,touch back, Knees bend and straight (*2)
12Rock touch left to left diagonal(10:30),hitch left knee and recover to right,
34repeat 12
5678Rock lunges left to left diagonal (10:30),touch right toe back, Knees bend and straight twice in place
B[3-8] run forward right-left-right,side & bump hip counterclockwise,hitch knee,run forward left-right-left ,side bump hip clockwise,hitch right knee
1&234run forward right-left-right ,step left to side and bump hip to make semi-cycle counterclockwise from right to left,bump hip to make semi-cycle counterclockwise from left to right and hitch left knee
5&678run forward left-right-left ,step right to side and bump hip to make semi-cycle clockwise from left to right,bump hip to make semi-cycle clockwise from right to left,and hitch right knee
B[4-6] run forward right-left-right ; side, touch side,hold
1&234run forward right-left-right ; step left to side, touch right toe to side(12:00)
56hold 2 counts
B[5-8] rock cross , forward & flick,run forward right-left-right ,touch,Knees bend and straight(*4),recover
12turn 1/8 left and rock step right cross left, step left forward and flick right back(10:30) ,
3&4run forward right-left-right (10:30)
5678touch left to left side,Knees bend and straight four time in place,upper body turn 1/8 right and weight from left to right(12:00)
B[6-8] cross , forward & flick back,run forward left-right-left ,touch,Knees bend and straight (*4),upper body turn 1/8
12step left cross right, step right forward and flick left back(1:30)
3&4run forward left-right-left (1:30)
5678touch right to right side,Knees bend and straight four time in place,upper body turn 1/8 left for 4 counts(12:00)
B[7-8] turn 3/4 left ,kick & fall(*6), knees bend and straight,hips throw out
12Start to turn 3/4 left for 6 counts, kick left forward and fall, kick right forward and fall,
34repeat 1,2
56repeat 1,2
78knees bend and straight,hips throw out(3:00)
Part C: 48 counts
C[1-8] Stomp in place and hitch knee(*6), hitch knee & turn full left ,Stomp side
12Stomp left in place and hitch right knee , Stomp right in place and hitch left knee,(12:00)
34repeat 1,2
56repeat 1,2
78Stomp left in place and hitch right knee turning full left ,Stomp right to side
C[2-8] repeat 1-8 of Part B
C[3-8] repeat 1-8 of Part B
C[4-8] jump & stomp(*4),lunges stomp diagonal,,toast pose , recover,hitch knee,drinking pose
1234 apart feet jump and Stomp four time in place,
5678lunges stomp right to right diagonal,,Hands toast pose for 2 counts, weight to left, hitch right knee and upper body lean back,hands drinking pose for 2 counts(1:30)
C[5-8] jump & Stomp(*4),hitch knee & turn full ,Stomp ,hold
1234 apart feet jump and Stomp four time in place,(12:00)
5678hitch right knee turning full left for 2 counts, Stomp right to side, hold
C[6-8] jump & Stomp(*4),toast pose , drinking pose
1234 apart feet jump and Stomp four time in place,
5678Hands toast pose for 2 counts, upper body lean back and hands drinking pose for 2 counts
Tag:8 counts
Turn 1/8,side,bend knees & body fall,beside & heel up,waving hand,turn 1/4,side,bend knees & body fall,beside & heel up,waving hand
1234turn 1/8 left stepping left to side,bend knees and Sitting position for 2 counts,step right beside left and heel up waving right hand for 2 counts(10:30)
5678turn 1/4 right stepping right to side,bend knees and Sitting position for 2 counts,step left beside right and heel up waving left hand for 2 counts(1:30)
End:10 counts
Turn 1/4 left,forward,beside & heels up,turn 1/8 right,cross,turn 1/8 right,side,turn 3/8 right,forward,forward,forward,beside,turn 1/2 left,forward,touch side
1234face to 3:00,turn 1/4 left stepping left forward(12:00,step right beside left and heels up,turn 1/8 right stepping left cross right(1:30),turn 1/8 right stepping right to side (3:00)
5678turn 3/8 right running left forward,run right forward,run left forward,step right beside left(7:30)
9, 10turn 1/2 left stepping left forward(1:30),turn 1/8 left and touch right to side(12:00)
Please refer to the video on hands movements.
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Intro : 24 counts. Begin on main vocals
Part A: 36 counts
A[1-12] step,cross,step,cross,bend knees(*4),hop & hook(*4)
1234step left to side,step right cross left,step left to side,step right cross left(10:30)
5678knees bend and straight four time in place
9,10rock hop left to left diagonal and hook right, rock hop right to right back diagonal and hook left(10:30)
11,12repeat 9,10
A[2-8] cross ,diagonal, cross ,diagonal,diagonal, cross ,diagonal,cross
1234step left cross right,step right to right diagonal,step left cross right,step right to right diagonal(1:30)
5678step left to left diagonal,step right cross left,step left to left diagonal,step right cross left(10:30)
A[3-8] turn 1/4 left ,side,turn 1/2 left ,side,in place, beside,lunges(*4)
1234turn 1/4 left stepping left to left side(9:00), turn 1/2 left stepping right to right side(3:00),rock step left in place,step right beside left
56lunges left to side, lunges right to side
78repeat 56
A[4-8] walk(*4),turn 1/4 left,pony jump(*2.)
1234walk left, right, left, right forward(3:00)
5&67&8turn 1/4 left and pony jump to left side, pony jump to right side(12:00)
Part B: 54 counts
B[1-8] side, touch side, side, touch side,bump hip counterclockwise (*4),hitch knee
1234step left to side, touch right toe to side, step right to side, touch left toe to side(12:00)
5678bump hip to make a round counterclockwise right-left-right for 4 counts, hitch left knee
B[2-8] Rock touch diagonal, hitch knee,Rock touch diagonal, hitch knee,lunges diagonal ,touch back, Knees bend and straight (*2)
12Rock touch left to left diagonal(10:30),hitch left knee and recover to right,
34repeat 12
5678Rock lunges left to left diagonal (10:30),touch right toe back, Knees bend and straight twice in place
B[3-8] run forward right-left-right,side & bump hip counterclockwise,hitch knee,run forward left-right-left ,side bump hip clockwise,hitch right knee
1&234run forward right-left-right ,step left to side and bump hip to make semi-cycle counterclockwise from right to left,bump hip to make semi-cycle counterclockwise from left to right and hitch left knee
5&678run forward left-right-left ,step right to side and bump hip to make semi-cycle clockwise from left to right,bump hip to make semi-cycle clockwise from right to left,and hitch right knee
B[4-6] run forward right-left-right ; side, touch side,hold
1&234run forward right-left-right ; step left to side, touch right toe to side(12:00)
56hold 2 counts
B[5-8] rock cross , forward & flick,run forward right-left-right ,touch,Knees bend and straight(*4),recover
12turn 1/8 left and rock step right cross left, step left forward and flick right back(10:30) ,
3&4run forward right-left-right (10:30)
5678touch left to left side,Knees bend and straight four time in place,upper body turn 1/8 right and weight from left to right(12:00)
B[6-8] cross , forward & flick back,run forward left-right-left ,touch,Knees bend and straight (*4),upper body turn 1/8
12step left cross right, step right forward and flick left back(1:30)
3&4run forward left-right-left (1:30)
5678touch right to right side,Knees bend and straight four time in place,upper body turn 1/8 left for 4 counts(12:00)
B[7-8] turn 3/4 left ,kick & fall(*6), knees bend and straight,hips throw out
12Start to turn 3/4 left for 6 counts, kick left forward and fall, kick right forward and fall,
34repeat 1,2
56repeat 1,2
78knees bend and straight,hips throw out(3:00)
Part C: 48 counts
C[1-8] Stomp in place and hitch knee(*6), hitch knee & turn full left ,Stomp side
12Stomp left in place and hitch right knee , Stomp right in place and hitch left knee,(12:00)
34repeat 1,2
56repeat 1,2
78Stomp left in place and hitch right knee turning full left ,Stomp right to side
C[2-8] repeat 1-8 of Part B
C[3-8] repeat 1-8 of Part B
C[4-8] jump & stomp(*4),lunges stomp diagonal,,toast pose , recover,hitch knee,drinking pose
1234 apart feet jump and Stomp four time in place,
5678lunges stomp right to right diagonal,,Hands toast pose for 2 counts, weight to left, hitch right knee and upper body lean back,hands drinking pose for 2 counts(1:30)
C[5-8] jump & Stomp(*4),hitch knee & turn full ,Stomp ,hold
1234 apart feet jump and Stomp four time in place,(12:00)
5678hitch right knee turning full left for 2 counts, Stomp right to side, hold
C[6-8] jump & Stomp(*4),toast pose , drinking pose
1234 apart feet jump and Stomp four time in place,
5678Hands toast pose for 2 counts, upper body lean back and hands drinking pose for 2 counts
Tag:8 counts
Turn 1/8,side,bend knees & body fall,beside & heel up,waving hand,turn 1/4,side,bend knees & body fall,beside & heel up,waving hand
1234turn 1/8 left stepping left to side,bend knees and Sitting position for 2 counts,step right beside left and heel up waving right hand for 2 counts(10:30)
5678turn 1/4 right stepping right to side,bend knees and Sitting position for 2 counts,step left beside right and heel up waving left hand for 2 counts(1:30)
End:10 counts
Turn 1/4 left,forward,beside & heels up,turn 1/8 right,cross,turn 1/8 right,side,turn 3/8 right,forward,forward,forward,beside,turn 1/2 left,forward,touch side
1234face to 3:00,turn 1/4 left stepping left forward(12:00,step right beside left and heels up,turn 1/8 right stepping left cross right(1:30),turn 1/8 right stepping right to side (3:00)
5678turn 3/8 right running left forward,run right forward,run left forward,step right beside left(7:30)
9, 10turn 1/2 left stepping left forward(1:30),turn 1/8 left and touch right to side(12:00)
Please refer to the video on hands movements.
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