CopperKnob Stepsheets

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I've Got No Roots

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Improver WCS/Funky Line Dance
Jutta Leyh (DE) & Robert Hahn (DE) - April 2017
No Roots - Alice Merton
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Note: Start after 24 counts intro

[1-8] Step Cross, ¼ Turn Right And Step Back, Coaster Step, Walks Forward, Anchor Step
1-2Step right across left, make a ¼ turn right and step left back
3&4Step right back, step left next to right, step right forward
5-6Step left forward, step right forward
7&8Step left behind right (3rd position), recover weight forward onto right, recover weight back onto left

[9-16] Step Back, ½ Flick Turn Left, ¼ Turn Left Step right, Drag Together, Sailor Step, Sway, Sway
1-2Step right back, make a flick with left behind right and do a ½ turn left on right food and step left forward
3-4Make a ¼ turn left and step right to right side, slide left next to right
5&6Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left slightly to left side
7-8Step right to right side and swing hips to the right, recover weight onto left and swing hips to the left

[17-24] Step Forward, Press forward, Steps Back With Sweeps, Step Back, Touch Forward, ¼ Turn Right And Step Left, Touch right
1-2Step right forward, press left ball forward
3-4Recover weight back onto right and sweep left from front to back, step left back and sweep right from front to back
5-6Step right back, touch left toe forward
7-8Make a ¼ turn right step and step left to left side, touch right toe to right side

[&25-32] Together, Step Cross, Step Side, Sailor Step, ½ Sailor Turn, Step Forward, ¾ Sweep Turn Left
&1-2Step right next to left, step left across right, step right to right side
3&4Step left behind right, step right to right side, step left slightly to left side
5&6Step right behind left and make a ¼ turn right, make a ¼ turn right and step left to left side, step right slightly to right diagonal
7-8Step left forward, make a ¾ turn left on left foot and sweep right from back to front

… start again

Restarts: There are two Restarts after 16 counts in wall 3 (facing 6:00) and wall 8 (facing 12:00).

Tag: There is a 4 count tag after wall 11 (facing 6:00):
&1Step right next to right, step left to left side
2-4Start a hip roll counter clock wise (ccw) from left to right and finish with weight an left.
… then start again

Submitted by - Else Richter:


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