CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Low Intermediate
EWS Winson (MY) - May 2017
Show You - Shawn Mendes
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Intro: 16 counts in (approx. 12 sec)

#1 (1-8) L Ball, R Cross Unwind ½ (L), R-L Forward Walk, R Cross Rock & Recover, R Side Rock & Recover, R Syncopated Coaster Forward Lock Steps
&1-2Both feet are apart: Bring LF in next to RF (&), cross RF over LF (1), turn ½ L closing RF beside LF (2) – neutral weight 6.00
3-4Step forward on RF (3), step forward on LF (4) 6.00
5&6&Cross rock RF over LF (5), recover weight on LF (&), rock RF to R side (6), recover weight on LF (&) 6.00
7&8&Step RF back (7), close LF beside RF (&) ***, step RF forward (8), lock LF behind RF (&) 6.00

#2 (9-16) R Forward & L Sweep ¼ (R), L Cross, R Side Rock Cross, L Side, R-L Heel Swivels, R Forward Diagonal Kick, R Behind, L Side
1-2Step RF forward as sweeping LF from back to front & turn ¼ R (1), cross LF over RF (2) 9.00
3&4Rock RF to R side (3), recover weight on LF (&), cross RF over LF (4) 9.00
5&6&Step LF to L side (5), swivel R heel in (&), return R heel to original position (6), swivel L heel in (&) 9.00
7&8&Return L heel to original position (7), kick RF forward to R diagonal (&), cross RF behind LF (8) ***, step LF to L side (&) 9.00

#3 (17-24) R Forward, L Behind Touch, L Back with R Sweep, R Sailor ½ (R) with R Forward, L Cross Rock & Recover, L Side Rock & Recover, L Sailor ½ (L) with L Forward
1&2Cross RF over LF (1), touch L toes behind RF (&), step LF back while sweeping RF from front to back (2) 9.00
3&4Turn ½ R crossing RF behind LF (3), step LF to L side (&), step RF forward (4) 3.00
5&6&Cross rock LF over RF (5), recover weight on RF (&), rock LF to L side (6), recover weight on RF (&) *** 3.00
7&8Turn ½ L crossing LF behind RF (7), step RF to R side (&), step LF forward (8) 9.00

#4 (25-32) R-L Forward Hip Bumps, R Forward Touch, L Step, R Forward Diagonal Kick, R Sailor Cross
1&2Step RF forward bumping hips forward (1), recover weight on LF bumping hips backwards (&), bump hips forward (2) – R toes are slightly lifted up off the ground when doing the ‘Hip Bumps’ 9.00
3&4Step LF forward bumping hips forward (3), recover weight on RF bumping hips backwards (&), bump hips forward (4) – L toes are slightly lifted up off the ground when doing the ‘Hip Bumps’ 9.00
5&6&Step RF forward (5), touch L toes beside RF (&), step LF in place (6), kick RF forward to R diagonal (&) 9.00
7&8Cross RF behind LF (7), step LF to L side (&), cross RF over LF (8) 9.00

Restart on Wall 1 after counts 22&, changing the last 2 counts to “Lift L knee up beside RF (7), step LF in place (&), cross RF over LF (8)” and start again, facing 3.00 o’clock.

Restart on Wall 3 until count 16 and omit the ‘&’ count. Begin the dance again facing 9.00 0’clock.

Restart here Wall 5 until counts 7&, add one more step “Cross RF over LF (8)” and start again, facing 12.00 o’clock.

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