CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Stay a Minute

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Susann Elisabeth Bjørkmo - April 2017
Stay - Zedd & Alessia Cara
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Start after 48 counts on "make it on your own"

S1: touch x 2, coaster step, touch x 2, coaster step
1,2touch right toe forward, touch right toe to right side.
3&4step right back, step left next to right, step right forward.
5,6touch left toe forward, touch left toe to left side.
7&8step left back, step right next to left, step left forward.

S2: rock, recover, 1/1 turn right with sweep, rock, recover
1,2Right rock forward, recover on left.
31/2 turn right by stepping right forward.
4,5sweep left back to front while making 1/2 turn right.
6step on left.
7,8right rock forward, recover on left.

S3: shuffle, shuffle, rock, recover, 1/1
1&2step right back, step left next to right, step right back.
3&4step left back, step right next to left, step left back.
5,6rock right back, recover on left
7,81/1 turn left by stepping back on right and forward on left

S4: 1/4 turn rock, recover, weave, rock, recover, weave
1,21/4 left by rocking right to right side, recover on left.
3&4step right behind left, step left to left side, cross right over left.
5,6rock left to left side, recover on right.
7&8step left behind right, right to right side, cross left over right.

S5: Dorothy steps, step, 1/2 turn, 1/1 turn
1;2&: step right forward to right diagonal, lock left behind right, step right to right diagonal.
3;4&:step left forward to left diagonal, lock step right behind left, step left to left diagonal.
5,6step right forward, make 1/2 turn left by stepping left forward.
7,81/1 turn left by stepping back on right and forward on left.

S6: rock, recover, coasterstep, rock, recover 1/1 turn
1,2right rock forward, recover on left.
3&4step right back, step left next to right,step right forward.
5,6left rock forward, recover on right.
7,81/1 turn left by stepping left forward and right back.

S7: 1/4 turn shuffle, rock, recover, shuffle, rock, recover
1&21/4 turn left by stepping left to left side, right next to left, left to left side.
3,4rock right back, recover on left.
5&6step right to right side, left next to right, right to right side
7,8rock left back, recover on right

S8: rock, recover, 1/1 turn, 1/4 turn rock, recover, coaster step
1,2rock left forward, recover on right
3,41/1 turn left by stepping left forward and back on right.
5,61/4 turn left by rocking left to left side, recover on right.
7&8step left back, step right next to left, step left forward.

BRIDGE: 4 count Bridge on wall 2 after 26 counts: sway hips right, left, right, left.
Then finish the remaining counts of wall 2.



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