Advanced Beginner
Choreographers note:- Remember to read the NOTE below, for the end of Walls 5 and 6. Ideally suited for the dancer about to move up to the next level (Intermediate)
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts: After short drum roll ends (count 14) start the dance ON the next count (the 15th ).
S1: 2x Slow Sailor. 2x Forward (12:00)
1 – 2Step right to right side. Step left behind right
3 – 4Step right next to left. Step left to left side
5 – 6Step right behind left. Step left next to right.
7 – 8Step slightly forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
S2: 2x Forward Scuff-Step. Jazz Box. Forward (12:00)
9 – 10Scuff right forward. Step forward onto right
11 – 12Scuff left forward. Step forward onto left.
13 – 14Cross right over left. Step backward onto left.
15 – 16Step right to right side. Step forward onto left.
S3: Rock. Recover. 1/4 Side. Cross. Side. 1/2 Side. 1/4 Forward. Forward (6:00)
17 – 18Rock right diagonally forward left. Recover onto left.
19 – 20Turn ¼ right (3) & step right to right side. Cross left over right.
21 – 22Step right to right side. Turn ½ left & step left to left side.
23 – 24Turn ¼ left (6) & step forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
S4: Rock. Recover. 2x Backward Toe Struts. 1/4 Right. Side Rock. Recover (9:00)
25 – 26Rock right diagonally forward left. Recover onto left.
27 – 28Step backward onto right toe. Drop right heel.
29 – 30Step backward onto left toe. Drop left heel.
&Turn ¼ right
NOTE: SHORT WALLS 5 and 6 – Restart the dance facing the new wall at THIS point.
31 – 32Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
Dance Finish: Wall 9 Count 32 facing 9:00.. (the music will fade from count 24)
To end facing the home wall simply replace the ‘&’ (after 30) with a ½ turn
ALTERNATIVE SECTION or ‘Add some Cream Topping to the pie’
17 – 18Rock right diagonally forward left. Recover onto left.
19 – 20Turn 1/4 right (3) & step right to right side. Turn 1/2 right (9) & step left to left side
21 – 22Turn 3/4 right (6) & step forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
23 – 24Walk forward: Right-Left
Always remember - 'The beat may reach your feet - but the rhythm should electrify your soul'.
Dance starts: After short drum roll ends (count 14) start the dance ON the next count (the 15th ).
S1: 2x Slow Sailor. 2x Forward (12:00)
1 – 2Step right to right side. Step left behind right
3 – 4Step right next to left. Step left to left side
5 – 6Step right behind left. Step left next to right.
7 – 8Step slightly forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
S2: 2x Forward Scuff-Step. Jazz Box. Forward (12:00)
9 – 10Scuff right forward. Step forward onto right
11 – 12Scuff left forward. Step forward onto left.
13 – 14Cross right over left. Step backward onto left.
15 – 16Step right to right side. Step forward onto left.
S3: Rock. Recover. 1/4 Side. Cross. Side. 1/2 Side. 1/4 Forward. Forward (6:00)
17 – 18Rock right diagonally forward left. Recover onto left.
19 – 20Turn ¼ right (3) & step right to right side. Cross left over right.
21 – 22Step right to right side. Turn ½ left & step left to left side.
23 – 24Turn ¼ left (6) & step forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
S4: Rock. Recover. 2x Backward Toe Struts. 1/4 Right. Side Rock. Recover (9:00)
25 – 26Rock right diagonally forward left. Recover onto left.
27 – 28Step backward onto right toe. Drop right heel.
29 – 30Step backward onto left toe. Drop left heel.
&Turn ¼ right
NOTE: SHORT WALLS 5 and 6 – Restart the dance facing the new wall at THIS point.
31 – 32Rock right to right side. Recover onto left.
Dance Finish: Wall 9 Count 32 facing 9:00.. (the music will fade from count 24)
To end facing the home wall simply replace the ‘&’ (after 30) with a ½ turn
ALTERNATIVE SECTION or ‘Add some Cream Topping to the pie’
17 – 18Rock right diagonally forward left. Recover onto left.
19 – 20Turn 1/4 right (3) & step right to right side. Turn 1/2 right (9) & step left to left side
21 – 22Turn 3/4 right (6) & step forward onto right. Step forward onto left.
23 – 24Walk forward: Right-Left