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Even When You Want It To

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Intermediate waltz
Shelly Guichard (UK) & Conor McVeigh (UK) - February 2017
When Someone Stops Loving You - Little Big Town
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(Music Available on iTunes from the Album The Breaker) 3mins 49

Dance starts on count 24, 12 secs into the song.

Section one: Half turn Waltz left, Half turn Waltz right
1-2-3 Step fwd left, making 1/2 turn stepping back right, step back left
4-5-6 Step back right, Step back left, step ½ right stepping forward on right (12 o clock)

Section two: Left twinkle, weave left
1-2-3 Cross left over right, step right to right, step left next to right
4-5-6 Cross right over left, step left to left, cross right behind left (12 o clock)

Section three: Step, kick, kick, Walk back x2, turn 1/4 Right
1-2-3 Step left to left, kick right across left twice
4-5-6 Walk back right, left, turn just over 1/4 Right stepping right to right (3 o clock)

Section four: Left twinkle, twinkle 1/2 turn right
1-2-3 Cross left over right, step right to right, step left next to right,
4-5-6 Cross right over left 1/4 turn right stepping back left, turn 1/4 right stepping right to right (9 o clock)
**Restart here during Wall 3**

Section five: Step, drag, Step back right, step left to left side, cross right over left.
1-2-3 Step left forward, drag right next to left for two counts (10:30).
4-5-6 Step back on the right, step left to left side, cross right over left.
** Tags 1 and 2: After count 3: Basic Back Waltz: Back right- left- right**

Section six: Step hold, hold, Cross, back, ¼ turn right.
1-2-3 Step forward left, drag right next to left for two counts (7.30).
4-5-6 Cross right over left, step back on left, step forward making ¼ turn right (12 o clock).

Section seven: Basic Waltz forward, Waltz reverse turn right-left-right
1-2-3 Step left, right, left going forward.
4-5-6 Make a full turn on the spot: right- left-right. (12 o clock)

Section eight: Cross ¼ back, Basic Waltz back
1-2-3 Cross left over right, Turn ¼ left stepping back on right, recover weight onto left (9 o clock).
4-5-6 Stepping back right-left-right.
** Tag 3: After count 3: Basic Back Waltz: Back right- left- right**

**Tag 1 and 2: During Walls 2 and 6 (Section 5) Dance first three counts of section and do a basic back waltz**
** Tag 3: Waltz forward left, waltz back right at the end of wall 8**

** Restart: During Wall 4 (Section 4) after half turn twinkle**



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