CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Crazy Tattoo

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Barbara Tobin (USA) - March 2017
I'm No Angel - Gregg Allman : (amazon Digital)
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Restart on Wall 5 (starts at 12:00) after 48 counts, facing 12:00

Intro: 16 counts. Start on the words “No, I’m no angel.” Weight on left.

(1-8) Back toe struts x2, side rock, 1/8 left turn forward step x2, hold
1,2Step R toe back (1), drop R heel (2)
3,4Step L toe back (3), drop L heel (4)
5,6Rock R to right (5), 1/8 left turn step L forward (6) [10:30]
7,8Step R forward (7), hold (8)

(9-16) Rocking chair, 1/2 right turn with toe touch, triple in place
1,2Rock L forward (1), recover R (2)
3,4Rock L back (3), recover R (4)
5,6Step L forward (5), 1/2 right turn on L while touching R toe next to L (6) [4:30]
7&8Step R in place (7), step L ball next to R (&), step R in place (8)

(17-24) 1/8 left turn L forward step, 1/4 right Monterey, point, L forward step, brush, 1/8 right turn cross, back
1,21/8 left turn step L forward (squaring up to 3:00) (1), point R to right (2) [3:00]
3,41/4 right turn on L step R together (3), point L to left (4) [6:00]
5,6Step L forward (5), brush R forward (6)
7,81/8 right turn cross R over L (7), step L back (8) [7:30]

(25-32) 1/8 right turn step, hip sway, touch, step L, diagonal R kick, cross behind, 1/4 left turn L forward step, step brush
1,21/8 right turn step R to right while swaying hips to right (1), touch L next to R (2) [9:00]
3,4Step L to left (3), kick R to right diagonal (4)
5,6Cross R behind L (5), 1/4 left turn step L forward (6) [6:00]
7,8Step R forward (7), brush L (8)

(33-40) Lock step, 1/4 left turn step, back cross rock, recover, 1/4 left turn step, sweep
1,2Step L forward (1), lock R behind L (2)
3,4Step L forward (3), ¼ left turn step R to right (4) [3:00]
5,6Cross rock L behind R (5), recover R (6)
7,81/4 left turn step L forward (7), sweep R from back to front (8) [12:00]

(41-48) Forward ball touch sway/back sway/forward sway with step/forward brush x2
1,2Touch R ball forward, angling lower body to left and keeping shoulders facing forward, sway hips forward (1), sway hips back (2)
3,4Sway hips forward while stepping R in place (3), brush L forward (4)
5,6Touch L ball forward, angling lower body to right and keeping shoulders facing forward, sway hips forward (5), sway hips back (6)
7,8Sway hips forward while stepping L in place (7), brush R forward (8)

***Restart here on Wall 5 facing 12:00***

(49-56) 1/4 right turn jazz box, L forward, 1/4 right turn unwind with 2 heel bounces, back rock, recover
1,2Cross R over L (1), 1/8 right turn step L back (2) [1:30]
3,41/8 right turn step R to right (3), step L forward (4) [3:00]
5,6Unwind 1/4 right turn while bouncing heels twice, end with weight on L (5,6) [6:00]
7,8Rock R back (7), recover L (8)

(57-64) 1/4 left hinge turn, 3/4 left hinge turn, front rock, side rock
1,21/4 left turn step R to right, over 2 counts (1,2) [3:00]
3,43/4 left turn on R step L forward, over 2 counts (3,4) [6:00]
5,6Rock R forward (5), recover L (6)
7,8Rock R to right (7), recover L (8)

Begin again!

Please do not alter this step sheet in any way. If you would like to use it on your website, it must be used in its original format. Contact the choreographer with your questions: 3/8/2017


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