CopperKnob Stepsheets

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Legend (aka Fairy Tale)

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Phrased Intermediate
Lewis Lee (CAN) - February 2017
Fairy Tale - Michael Learns to Rock : (3:51)
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Sequence: A, B, A, A, B, B, B16
Intro: 32 counts

Part A – 32c (2 wall)
A[1-8] Side, Behind-Side-Cross-Kick, Back x3, Fwd, Fwd Spiral, Side
1, 2&3&Step R to side R, Step L behind R, Step R to side R, Cross L over L, R low kick diagonal fwd while rising on L toes (1:30)
4&5Step R back, Step L back, Step R back and look back over R shoulder
6, 7, 8Step L fwd, Step R fwd and spiral 5/8 turn L, Step L to side L (6:00)

A[9-16] Cross-Rock-Side-Cross-Side-Behind, 1/4R, 1/2R, 1/2R with sweep, Fwd, Fwd, Recover
1&2&3&Cross R over L, Recover on L, Step R to side R, Cross L over R, Step R to side R, Step L behind R
4&5Make ¼ turn R stepping R fwd, Make ½ turn R stepping L back, Make ½ turn R stepping R fwd and sweep L to front (9:00)
6Step L fwd,
7Step R fwd (styling: collapse body forward while extending both hands fwd with palms facing upwards,
8Recover on L (styling: raise body back to standing with hands return)

A[17-24] Back-Cross-Back-Side, Cross-Back-Side-Cross, Circling Walks Full Turn L
1&2&Step R back, Cross L over R, Step R back, Step L to side L
3&4&Cross R over L, Step L back, Step R to side R, Cross L over R (9:00)
5,6,7,8Circling walk full turn L ( R, L, R, L)

A[25-32] 1/4R, Side, Back, Cross, 1/8R, 1/8R, 1/8R, 1/8R, Back, Recover, Spiral, Fwd
1&2&Make ¼ turn R crossing R over L, Step L diagonal back L, Step R diagonal back R, Cross L over R (12:00)
3&4&Make 1/8 turn R stepping R fwd, Make 1/8 turn R stepping L fwd, Make 1/8 turn R crossing R over L, Make 1/8 turn R stepping L side L (6:00)
5, 6, 7, 8Step R back, Recover on L , Step R fwd and spiral full turn L, Step L fwd

Part B – 32c (1 wall)
B[1-8] Side, Ball-Cross, Side, Ball-Cross, Fwd, Recover-1/2R, Walk Walk
1, 2&Step R to side R, Step L ball behind R, Cross R over L
3, 4&Step L to side L, Step R ball behind L, Cross L over R
5, 6&Rock fwd on R, Recover L while closing palms in front of eyes, Make ½ turn R stepping R fwd and open palms to either side (12:00)
7, 8Walk L slightly crossing fwd, Walk R slightly crossing fwd

B[9-16] Fwd, Rock-Tog, Fwd, Rock-Tog, Fwd, Rock, Back, Back
1, 2&Rock L fwd, Revcover on R, Step L besides R
3, 4&Rock R fwd, Revcover on L, Step R besides L
5, 6Rock L fwd while raising hands fwd and up with palms facing front, Recover on R and start to drop the palms down
7, 8(Keep dropping palms down gradually and shaking fingers like raining) Step L back, Step R back

B[17-24] Back, Recover-1/2R, Back, Recover-1/2L, Side, Slide, Back, Rock
1, 2&Step L back, Recover on R, Make a ½ turn R stepping L back (6:00)
3, 4&Step R back, Recover on L, Make a ½ turn L stepping R back (12:00)
5, 6Long step L to side L while opening hands up over head, Drag R close to L while dropping hands down and keeping weight on L
7, 8Step R back, Recover on L

B[25-32] 1/4R, 1/4R-Tog, Side, Back-Rock, Walk Walk, Sway, Sway
1, 2&Make ¼ turn R stepping R fwd, Make ¼ turn R stepping L side L, Step R beside L (6:00)
3, 4&Step L side L, Rock R back, Recover on L
5, 6Walk L slightly crossing fwd, Walk R slightly crossing fwd
7, 8Step R to side R and sway hips R, Recover weight on L and sway hips L


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